
What is meant by resisting torque?

What is meant by resisting torque?

Resistance torque (also called as load torque or braking torque) is the torque apposing the rotary motion. Example: For automobile vehicle, engine provides driving torque whereas bearing friction and rolling friction of the wheel and bearing friction create resistance torque.

What is mean torque in turning moment diagram?

Since the work done is the product of the turning moment and the angle turned, therefore the area of the turning moment diagram represents the work done per revolution. In actual practice, the engine is assumed to work against the mean resisting torque, as shown by a horizontal line AF.

When the turning moment is positive when the engine torque is more than the mean resisting torque the crankshaft accelerates and the work is done by the steam?

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1. When the turning moment is positive (i.e. when the engine torque is more than the mean resisting torque) as shown between points B and C (or D and E) , the crankshaft accelerates and the work is done by the steam.

What is use of turning moment diagram of flywheel?

Turning Moment (Or Crank Effort) Diagram (TMD) Turning moment diagram is a graphical representation of turning moment or torque (along Y-axis) versus crank angle (X-axis) for various positions of crank. Uses of TMD 1. The area under the TMD gives the work done per cycle.

When flywheel absorbs energy its speed?

Explanation: When a flywheel absorbs energy, its speed increases and when it gives up energy, its speed decreases. This effect is reflected in the turning moment diagram of the flywheel.

What is fluctuation speed?

Concept: The difference between the maximum and minimum speeds during a cycle is called the maximum fluctuation of speed. The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is called the coefficient of fluctuation of speed (Cs).

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When engine torque is less than mean resisting torque then the flywheel is?

Explanation: When the difference between T-Tmean is negative the work is done on the steam and the crankshaft decelerates which results in retardation of flywheel.

Why drawing the turning moment diagram which of the forces is not taken into account?

Explanation: When a turning moment diagram is drawn, it takes into account all the forces inertia, connecting rod and crank however there is no coriolis force acting in the engine thus it is not taken into account.

When flywheel used in punching press load is constant?

In a punching press, which of the following quantity is constant? Explanation: The punching press works on the principle that the input torque acting remains constant when the action is performed whereas the load is varied. 2. In a punching press, load is 0 at the time of punching.

What is a turning moment diagram what are its advantages?

Compressed air storage has quick startup (typically 10 minutes) and long storage capability 2. Energy from windmill or solar energy can be stored during the time of low demand and can used during the time of high demand. 3.

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When the engine torque is less than the mean resisting torque then the flywheel has?