
What is meant by something fishy?

What is meant by something fishy?

1 : of or resembling fish especially in taste or odor. 2 : creating doubt or suspicion : questionable.

Why do we call suspicious things fishy?

The original phrase was “smells fishy” as fish can have a strong, pervading, odour even though you may not know where it is coming from. So “This whole business smells fishy to me” would indicate that something is perceived as not quite ‘right’ without being able to be specific about what is wrong. It is suspicious.

What is have a cow?

Definition of have a cow slang. : to become very angry, upset, etc. Don’t have a cow!

What is the meaning of jumping the gun?

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Start doing something too soon, act too hastily. For example, The local weather bureau jumped the gun on predicting a storm; it didn’t happen for another two days. This expression alludes to starting a race before the starter’s gun has gone off, and supplants the earlier beat the pistol, which dates from about 1900. [

Why is it called the elephant in the room?

The elephant in the room is an American phrase with murky origins, the first reference being in 1935 to mean something obvious and incongruous. In the 1950s, the elephant in the room came to mean what it means today, something enormous that people choose to ignore because it is uncomfortable to deal with.

Is there a word to describe something fishy?

Synonyms for fishy. debatable, disputable, dodgy. [ chiefly British ], doubtable, doubtful, dubious, dubitable,

What does the idiom ‘something fishy’ mean?

The idiom something smells fishy means that something is not on the up and up, something about a person or situation arouses suspicion.

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What is the origin of the phrase “something is fishy”?


  • Example Sentences. The manager smelled something fishy and started an investigation. He eventually found that 3 of the 4 employees were stealing from the store.
  • Origin. The phrase originates in the early 1800’s when at a fish market,you would know that is fish is fresh if it did not stink.
  • What does it to smell kind of fishy?

    Rarely, a fishy smell may indicate something else. It’s unlikely but possible that a fishy smell is a symptom of something besides BV . The main possibility is trichomoniasis, a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a parasite.