
What is standard moisture regain?

What is standard moisture regain?

Moisture content is defined as the weight of water in the material expressed as a percentage of the total weight. Standard Moisture Regain: The moisture absorbed by a particular weight sample in the standard atmosphere after treating at 105±3oC is called Standard Moisture Regain. It is also called official regain.

What is the moisture regain of cotton?

Standard Moisture regain: Standard moisture regain for cotton fibre is about 8.5\%. Result: Average moisture regain for the cotton sample is about 8.5\%.

Which fabric has highest moisture regain value?

Let, Oven dry weight of a material = D. Weight of water in this material = W….Standard Moisture Regain and Moisture Content of Fibers.

Textile Fiber Moisture Regain (MR\%) Moisture Content (MC\%)
Cotton 8.5 7.34
Jute 13.75 12.1
Viscose 11.0 9.91
Silk 11.0 9.91
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What is moisture regain of polyester?

PET has a moisture regain of 0.4\% at 65\% RH and rapidly builds up static electrical charges by friction to give a very unpleasant electric shock. Static charges can also lead to the attraction of dust and dirt, and, to avoid these problems, polyester is blended with wash-fast hydrophilic materials.

What is the moisture regain of viscose?

Standard Moisture Regain of Different Textile Fibre

Fibre Standard MR \%
Cotton 8.5
Silk 11
Polyester 0.4
Viscose 11

What is the moisture regain of jute?

The moisture regain of jute fibers varies between 5\% and 12\% (Ali et al. 2016). The presence of large number of hydroxyl groups in the cellulose makes the jute fiber hydrophilic in nature and sensitive to regain moisture present in the atmosphere (Erdogan et al. 2016).

What is moisture regain of nylon?

Nylon has a moisture regain of about 4\% at 65\% RH and 70 deg F. Action of Light. Like other fibres, nylon undergoes degradation and weakens when exposed to lights.

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What is the difference between moisture regain and moisture content?

Moisture regain is defined as the wt. of water in a material expressed as a percentage of the oven dry weight. Moisture content is the wt. of water in a material expressed as a percentage of the total weight.

What is the moisture regain of polypropylene?


Moisture regain 0.1\%
Refractive index 1.49
Heat of fusion 21 cal/g
Specific heat 0.46 cal/(g x C)
Density of melt at 180°C 0.769 g/cc

How do you calculate moisture regain?

Moisture regain ,R =W/DX100\%

Which fiber has high moisture regain\%?

Conventional moisture regains of textiles

Fibre type Textile Conventional moisture regain (\%)
Cotton Cotton fibre 8.5
Cotton yarn 8.5
Cotton sewing thread 8.5
Cotton fabric 8.5

Which fiber has the least moisture regain value?

Olefin, Polypropylene, Carbon, Graphite, Glass fiber has no Moisture Regain or Moisture Content.

What is moisture regain in textiles?

Moisture regain is defined as the percentage of water present in a textile material of oven dry weight. The percentage of moisture in a textile material brought into equilibrium with a standard atmosphere after partial drying, calculated as a percentage of the moisture-free weight.

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Moisture content is defined as the weight of water in the material expressed as a percentage of the total weight. The moisture absorbed by a particular weight sample in the standard atmosphere after treating at 105±3oC is called Standard Moisture Regain.

What is meant by moisture content?

Moisture content is defined as the weight of water in the material expressed as a percentage of the total weight. Standard Moisture Regain: The moisture absorbed by a particular weight sample in the standard atmosphere after treating at 105±3 oC is called Standard Moisture Regain.

Why does the amount of moisture in a fabric change its properties?

The amount of moisture is not constant, it keeps changing. This changes the amount of moisture in the material. Due this change the physical properties of the textile fiber like rigidity, tensile strength, elastic recovery, elastic resistance, dimensions etc.
