
What is termination in TCS?

What is termination in TCS?

2.4 If they do not comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct or are found to have slavery or human- trafficking in their business, or knowingly in their supply chain, TCS may terminate the contract with immediate effect and pursue legal remedies against the supplier concerned.

What will happen if I am unable to do assigned work in TCS Quora?

On termination part, your PM can’t, directly, terminate you. All he/she can do is put low ratings in appraisal and escalate it to the HR. You will be given a second chance to prove your stuff and if you are good, you will be tagged again to projects.

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How do you get out of a project in TCS Quora?

  1. Make a story, fake or not no problem. Family issues, health problems , anything. Discuss these issues with your manager and keep doing that continously.
  2. Drop a mail stating that you are ill and just run away. Get a medical certificate and come back after a month. U will be automatically released from the project.

Does TCS reduce salary Quora?

The salary hike in TCS is really slow unless you receive a major promotion like IT Analyst or Associate Consultant. As a fresher I used to earn 23,500 rupees monthly while seniors with 3.5 years experience earned around 27,000 rupees monthly. That’s hardly any hike over the years in my opinion.

Can manager fire you in TCS?

No, they can’t fire you.

Can TCS terminate employees?

The petitioner, quoting news reports, said that TCS has decided to terminate the services of 25,000 workers who are Assistant Consultants and above and to recruit 55,000 persons, predominantly freshers, in their place to cut costs. TCS conducts its performance appraisal process in a fair and professional manner.

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How many projects can you reject in TCS?

Yes u can reject the project . If u reject more than 4 projects,on that time hr will ask the justification from you why you rejected the project. Afterwards they will push you to select any one of that project eventhough it is not good .

Will TCS fire me if I dont work?

Absconding — TCS can terminate you if you remain absent from office without notice and without applying leave for 10 continuous days.

What is it like to work at TCS?

A: It’s been a great experience working in various roles such as pharmacy SME (subject matter expert), Solution Architect and currently, as a Senior Data Scientist with the TCS Research and Innovation team.

What is the joining process of TCS?

The Joining Process is Divided into seven parts: 1 Accept the joining letter 2 Complete the TCS Survey Monkey 3 Complete the BGC form filling 4 Fill the NSR (NASSCOM) ITPIN 5 Fill the ON BOARDING forms 6 Prepare the Agreements (Service Agreement & Affidavit/Notarized Undertaking) 7 Prepare the supporting documents

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Why choose tctcs?

TCS operates with over 6,000 professionals, 24/7 call center, 430 plus conveniently located Express Centers, dedicated chartered aircraft, 2000 on-line & offline locations, 225 plus satellite tracked delivery vehicles and a proficient team of couriers dedicated to providing you the best of service and reliability in the industry.

What are the applications of machine learning in TCS?

You can also see the application of ML in sequence data such as human translation, sentiment classification, and speech recognition. And finally, in specific use cases like credit card fraud, housing price determination, and so on. TCS uses ML for its customers as well as for internal projects.