
What is the best place for planting fruit bearing trees?

What is the best place for planting fruit bearing trees?

Fruit-bearing trees need moderately-rich, well-drained soil. Of course, you need to place these trees in an open area with plenty of access to the sun. You don’t want to put it too close to other trees or shrubs either, because it needs room to grow on its own. Overlapping doesn’t help that at all.

Can you pick fruit from public trees?

On Public Property or On Your Own Property Fruit that is on your property or on public property may be legally ripe for the pickin’. Southern California’s KPCC radio reports that it’s probably OK to pick fruit as long as it’s growing in a public space because there’s “no written law” about who owns it.

Can you plant fruit trees on sidewalks?

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No. The trees you receive can only be planted on your property, not on the sidewalk or parkway. The City of Los Angeles requires a street tree planting permit to plant in a parkway.

What fruits are harvested before they are ripened?

Ethylene gas is commercially used to ripen fruits after they have been picked. Fruits, such as tomato, banana, and pear are harvested just before ripening has started (typically in a hard, green, but mature stage). This allows time for the fruit to be stored and transported to distant places.

Where is the best place to plant apple trees?

The best placement for a single tree or a grove of apple trees is in full sun, in well-drained soil, away from other trees and outside of any low-lying area that could form a “frost pocket” where cold air settles. It’s also a good idea to have the soil tested before you plant.

Is stealing fruit a crime?

In California, under section 487 of the penal code, it could be a felony, if over $250 in value. (1)(A) When domestic fowls, avocados, olives, citrus or deciduous fruits, other fruits, vegetables, nuts, artichokes, or other farm crops are taken of a value exceeding two hundred fifty dollars ($250).

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Can I plant a tree on my sidewalk Los Angeles?

The trees you receive can only be planted on your property, not on the sidewalk or parkway. The City of Los Angeles requires a street tree planting permit to plant in a parkway. All you need to do is pledge to water and care for your new street trees!

Why don’t cities plant fruit trees like other trees?

On the surface, it seems like fruit trees are more useful to the inhabitants of a city than other kinds of trees that don’t bear fruits that can be harvested. Why do cities generally still decide against planting fruit trees and rather prefer other trees? Mostly, because while it’s doable (especially in small cities), it’s hard to do.

Should the city put fruit trees on slippery sidewalks?

With the health and safety issue of slippery sidewalks, there is a strong possibility of the city being sued if people were to trip and hurt themselves. There is also a large cost associated with fruit trees. The mess would need to be cleaned by city employees, and fruit trees require a lot of maintenance and nurturing.

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Is pollution from passing cars harmful to fruit trees?

Pollution from passing cars would lead to problems such as disease and sub-standard fruit growth. This would mean that the trees would need to be sprayed with chemicals, which in public places is never a good idea. Would this be a good environment for a fruit tree?

Should we replace street trees with fruit trees?

Recently going viral is the idea to replace street trees in our cities with fruit trees, providing food for the homeless during the summer and fall. While a nice thought in theory, this would actually be a terrible idea, and here is why: Do we really need more slip hazzards in our lives? Photo credit: CC0 Public Domain 1.