
What is the cause of the universe?

What is the cause of the universe?

There are at least three ways the universe can cause itself to exist, by (1) a closed, simultaneous causal loop at the first instant of time, (2) beginning with a continuum of instantaneous states in a first half-open second, with each state being caused by earlier states, and (3) being caused to exist by backward …

What is meant by infinite regress?

An infinite regress is a series of appropriately related elements with a first member but no last member, where each element leads to or generates the next in some sense. Or the fact that the theory results in the infinite regress might itself be taken to be a reason to reject the theory.

Is the universe eternal?

While the universe is evolving, there is no beginning and no end – the universe exists forever. The early state of inflation is described in two different, but equivalent pictures. In the freeze frame the universe emerges from an almost static state with flat geometry.

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Did God create the universe?

God did not create the universe, the man who is arguably Britain’s most famous living scientist says in a forthcoming book. In the new work, The Grand Design, Professor Stephen Hawking argues that the Big Bang, rather than occurring following the intervention of a divine being,…

Can an argument for God’s existence provide some evidence for its existence?

It is of course possible that an argument for God’s existence could provide some evidence for God’s existence, in the sense that the argument increases the probability or plausibility of the claim that God exists, even if the argument does not provide enough support by itself for full-fledged belief that God exists.

Is God everywhere in the universe?

Meaning, God is everywhere at the same time. If God is a person, it’s hard to understand how he can be omnipresent. If God is the Universe, then it suddenly because obvious, even necessarily true, that God is omnipresent. The Universe is everywhere. Existence is everywhere.

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Is God omnipresent in the universe?

If God is the Universe, then it suddenly because obvious, even necessarily true, that God is omnipresent. The Universe is everywhere. Existence is everywhere. If something exists, it’s part of reality, therefore part of God. There is no corner of the universe that’s somehow not part of the universe.