
What is the hardest word to write in English?

What is the hardest word to write in English?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Misspell. Let the misspelling begin with the misspelled word misspell.
  • Pharaoh. This misspelled word falls into the error category of ‘you spell it like it sounds’.
  • Weird. Fear the confusing power of the’ I before E’!
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.

What are the hardest words to say in English?

The 31 Most Hard-to-Pronounce Words in the English Language

  • of 31. Anathema.
  • of 31. Anemone.
  • of 31. Antarctic.
  • of 31. Antidisestablishmentarianism.
  • of 31. Asterisk.
  • of 31. Brewery.
  • of 31. Cavalry.
  • of 31. Comfortable.

What is the most complicated word in the English language?

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When the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary was published in 1928, the word with the most definitions was set. However, the word put later outpaced it, and run eventually overtook them both as the English language’s most complex word.

What are the most difficult English words to learn?

Ebullient – cheerful and full of energy (one of the most difficult English words) Egregious – outstandingly bad Fallacious – based on a mistaken belief Fatuous – silly and pointless

What are some hard words to pronounce in English?

51 Hard English Words To Pronounce (What They Mean And How To Say Them) 1 Accede. How is it pronounced? What does it mean? To accede means to give your consent or approval to someone else’s… 2 Alias. How is it pronounced? What does it mean? An alias is an assumed name or identity. 3 Anathema. How is it pronounced? What does it mean? More

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What are the longest words you can type with your left hand?

It also introduces some brand new words to your vocabulary, like qat (also known as khat), a shrub found in Arabia and Africa whose leaves are chewed as a narcotic. Another is tesseradecade, or a group of 14. Its plural form is also one of the longest words you can type with only your left hand.

Is spelling difficult to learn?

Spelling is a bit more difficult to learn. Let’s take a look at the most difficult words in English and their explanation. In most cases, students are having a pretty difficult time spelling certain words. Don’t worry, it’s not just you! Tens of thousands of students have visited our list of the most complicated English words so far.