
What is the most common complaint filed against REALTORs?

What is the most common complaint filed against REALTORs?

Most Common Complaints

  • Incomplete and duplicate contracts.
  • No permits.
  • Easement errors.
  • Mineral rights.
  • Failure to review or recommend survey.
  • Contract drafting.
  • Failure to review title.
  • Loss of earnest money.

How do I annoy my realtor?

Am I Annoying My Realtor? 6 Things That Actually Are Annoying Your Realtor

  1. When You Ask to See Properties Without Being Pre-Approved.
  2. 2. …
  3. When You Schedule a Home Tour Six Times Without Making an Offer.
  4. When You Make a Lowball Offer That’s Insulting.
  5. When You Negotiate Items That You Signed Off On Pre-Inspection.

Do real estate agents lie?

do sellers lie to agents? Yes, definitely. If sellers tell the agents the lowest price they’re prepared to accept, that’s the highest price they’ll probably get. Most sellers “load up” the asking price of their homes.

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Why do Realtors not want buyers and sellers to meet?

A real estate agent stops that. It’s intimidating to have the sellers in the home when buyers walk through it. They may not feel as comfortable looking in all the areas they want to look. When the sellers aren’t present, buyers feel more comfortable looking around and see everything the home offers.

How do you know if you have a good realtor?

7 Signs That You’ve Picked the Right Real Estate Agent

  1. You like being around them.
  2. They’re responsive and available.
  3. They’ve asked you to get pre-approved.
  4. They’re proactive and not just reactive.
  5. They’re honest with you, even when it hurts.
  6. They don’t give up easily.
  7. They want to build a relationship.

Is it rude to call a realtor on Sunday?

Realtors, in general, expect to work weekends, when they are showing houses to people who work on weekdays. It is not rude to call them on Sunday unless they have specifically told you that they do not work on Sundays.

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Can I ghost my realtor?

Do not ghost your agent. In real estate, as in romance, that’s cheating. If you buy a house from another agent without ending your relationship with the first one, you may be on the hook for multiple commissions. TIP: Working with a buyer broker is a smart idea.