
What is the secret that Gamora knows?

What is the secret that Gamora knows?

Gamora knows the location of the Soul Stone because she found a map, which is explained in the hologram Nebula displays during her interrogation. Thanos uses said hologram to call her bluff when she says she doesn’t know where it is, so it’s a hard scene to miss.

Did Gamora know what was in the Orb?

Gamora knew that the orb contained an infinity stone and didn’t want Thanos to get his hands on it, so she found a buyer in Collector to hand the stone over but she didn’t know it’s potential for incredible destruction until the collectors assistant touched the stone and destroyed that place.

What did Gamora know that Thanos did not?

Probing Nebula’s cybernetic memory banks, Thanos’ suspicions were confirmed, that Gamora knew of the Soul Stone’s location and had secretly admitted it to Nebula. Before Star-Lord could kill Gamora to prevent the knowledge of the Soul Stone falling into his hands, Thanos captured Gamora and took her back to his ship.

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How did Thor survive the neutron star?

MCU Thor was not knocked out by the weight of a star. He was knocked out by the FULL FORCE of the star, and it took several minutes for that to happen. He survived attacks from an Infinity Stone as he is durable enough to do so.

What color is the Soul Stone?

How many Infinity Stones are there? There are six Infinity Stones: The Space Stone (blue), the Reality Stone (red), the Power Stone (purple), the Mind Stone (yellow), the Time Stone (green) and the Soul Stone (orange).

Who hired the Ravagers to get the Orb?

Ronan the Accuser eventually discovered that the Orb had been hidden on Morag, thus he sent Korath the Pursuer to the planet. However, another of Tivan’s contacts, an antiquity dealer known as the Broker, also sought to give the Orb to Tivan in exchange for the enormous fee, and hired the Ravagers to acquire it.

How did Quill know where the Orb was?

He uses it to find the entry to a building, and finds the Power Stone encased in a metallic orb. He puts down a magnet, which allows the orb to be pulled from its prison and get sucked onto the magnet. So, my question is, Quill seemed to know exactly what he was after, in terms of where it was.

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Why did Gamora give up the soul stone?

Gamora believes that Thanos has been beaten by this, because he loves nothing. But it turns out that, because he loves Gamora, he can, and does, sacrifice her to obtain the long-lost Soul Stone. He doesn’t love anything. He isn’t noble, he’s evil.

How did Thor not freeze in space?

He single-handedly realigned the neutron star in the cold depths of space which allowed the dwarf to make Stormbreaker. How did Thor manage to survive that? Simple, it’s because he’s an Asgardian.

How did Gamora become Gamora?

Gamora is a former Zehoberei assassin and a former member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. She became the adopted daughter of Thanos and adopted sister of Nebula after he killed half of her race. Gamora served him for years before betraying him in an attempt to free herself from his ways.

Who is Gamora in the Avengers?

Gamora is a former Zehoberei assassin and a former member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. She became the adopted daughter of Thanos and adopted sister of Nebula after he killed half of her race. Gamora served him for years before betraying him in an attempt to free herself from his ways. She was…

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Why did Thanos have to kill Gamora?

Gamora being sacrificed for the Soul Stone However, Red Skull saw his true intentions, informing Gamora that Thanos was, in fact, weeping for Gamora, as he truly loved her as a daughter, and was heartbroken that he had to sacrifice her to get the Soul Stone. Disbelieving, Gamora could not comprehend that Thanos ever showed genuine love for her.

How did Gamora get the Star Lord Orb?

Gamora traced the Orb to Peter Quill who was an associate of the Ravagers. Pursuing him to Xandar, Gamora waited for his meeting with the Broker to finish outside his shop so she could steal the Orb by surprise. As he walked out, he introduced hmself to Gamora as Star-Lord.