
What is the word for suitable for everyone?

What is the word for suitable for everyone?

acceptable, applicable, apposite, appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, convenient, cut out for, due, fit, fitting, in character, in keeping, opportune, pertinent, proper, relevant, right, satisfactory, seemly, suited.

What is another word for well suited?

What is another word for well-suited?

suitable suited
compatible complementary
like-minded well-matched
of a kind reconcilable
harmonious accordant

What word means make suitable?

Verb. To make competent or ready. fit. qualify. prepare.

What is this word suitable?

Definition of suitable 1a : adapted to a use or purpose suitable for kitchen use. b : satisfying propriety : proper suitable dress. c : able, qualified a suitable candidate for the job.

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What is the verb of suitable?

suit. To make proper or suitable; to adapt or fit. (said of clothes, hairstyle or other fashion item) To be suitable or apt for one’s image. To be appropriate or apt for.

What is the root word for suitable?

suitable (adj.) 1580s, from suit (v.) + -able.

What is the verb for suitable?

What is suitable in simple words?

(suːtəbəl ) adjective. Someone or something that is suitable for a particular purpose or occasion is right or acceptable for it.

What is the vocabulary of suitable?

suitable Add to list Share. As suitable means appropriate for the purpose, you can imagine that sneakers are more suitable than high heels at a track meet. While suitable always means appropriate for a certain person or situation, sometimes it is not based on fact but merely a matter of opinion.

What is the noun of suitable?

suitableness noun. suitably \ ˈsü-​tə-​blē \ adverb.

What is the root word of appropriate?

It comes from the Latin appropriare, which means “to make something fit, to make something one’s own.” Going back even further, appropriate is related to the Latin word proprius, “to belong to a person, thing, or group.” Another appropriate way to use this word is as a verb, meaning to steal or seize something, the way …

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What is a noun for the word suitable?

What is the synonym of suitable?

Some common synonyms of suitable are appropriate, apt, felicitous, fitting, fit, happy, meet, and proper. While all these words mean “right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance,” suitable implies an answering to requirements or demands. clothes suitable for camping In what contexts can appropriate take the place of suitable?

How does the adjective suitable differ from other words?

How does the adjective suitable differ from other similar words? Some common synonyms of suitable are appropriate, apt, felicitous, fitting, fit, happy, meet, and proper. While all these words mean “right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance,” suitable implies an answering to requirements or demands. clothes suitable for camping

What are other words for everyone?

other words for everyone. anybody. everybody. people. Everyman. each one. each person. every one. every person.

What does it mean to be a suitable candidate?

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1 having the required skills for an acceptable level of performance. with only one suitable candidate it’s not difficult to decide for whom to vote. Synonyms for suitable. able, capable, competent, equal, fit, good,