
What Jedi uses Shii Cho?

What Jedi uses Shii Cho?

Kit Fisto
Kit Fisto uses Shii-Cho against Darth Sidious. As Shii-Cho was an extension of traditional sword-fighting styles, it retained the basics of attacks, parries, and body zones established by such ancient methods.

Who uses Soresu?

Almost a millennium later, Soresu was mastered by the Jedi Battlemaster Cin Drallig, who in turn trained many in its use. Grand Master Yoda was also a master of its usage, as he was said to have achieved full mastery over every single form of lightsaber combat and their techniques and stances.

Who uses ataru?

Due to its speed and agility, Ataru was recommended for use by Jedi with the ability to enhance their speed and stamina with the Force. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi utilize Ataru against Darth Maul’s Juyo on Naboo.

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Did Vader use Makashi?

Darth vader used forms makashi, djem so, juyo and elements of other styles. His back bone style is djem so.

What is Makashi?

Form II, also known as Makashi (pronounced muh-KAA-shee), was the second form of lightsaber combat invented by the Jedi Order. A graceful combat style, it became a specialist form for duels with opponents belonging to the Sith Order. Form II relied on careful and controlled strikes instead of power and strength.

What form did Ahsoka use?

She began her studies with Shii-Cho, the most ancient style of lightsaber combat often taught to Younglings in the Jedi Order. After mastering the basics, Ahsoka grew to learn a more fast and aggressive technique called Form IV (or Ataru).

What form did ahsoka use?

What is a Makashi lightsaber?

Makashi masters will even attempt to force the enemies to get in each other’s way. The lightsaber handle of many Makashi users was curved, allowing for better manipulation of the blade during parries and thrusts. This was common during the early years of the Republic, when many of the Jedi used the Makashi form.

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Is Count Dooku a Makashi Master?

―Qui-Gon Jinn’s spirit to Yoda on Count Dooku, a Makashi master. Form II, also known as Makashi, The Way of the Ysalamiri, or The Contention Form, was the second of the seven classic forms of lightsaber combat.

What is the Makashi salute in Jedi?

A Jedi duelist performs the Makashi salute prior to engaging an opponent. Being a style geared towards efficiency, Makashi adherents relied on balance and economy of movement, preferring to refrain from the leaps and acrobatics common to Form IV. The Form II opening stance was a single handed low guard.

Why is Makashi not used anymore?

As Makashi had been designed strictly for blade-to-blade combat, it lacked an effective means of combating enemies with projectile weapons. Due to this oversight, Makashi lost a great deal of its practical applicability, and over time it faded into relative obsolescence.