
What kind of script was used by the Harappans?

What kind of script was used by the Harappans?

The Indus (or Harappan) people used a pictographic script. Some 3500 specimens of this script survive in stamp seals carved in stone, in moulded terracotta and faience amulets, in fragments of pottery, and in a few other categories of inscribed objects.

Why is the Harappan language has not been deciphered?

So far, the Indus writing system could not be translated because the texts are too short, we have no bilingual inscription and we do not which language or languages were transcribed. Moreover, it is possible that it worked differently from any other writing system of the same general period.

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How was the Harappan script?

The Indus Script was generally written from right to left. The Indus Script combined both word signs and symbols with phonetic value. This type of writing system is known as “logo-syllabic”, where some symbols express ideas or words while others represent sounds.

Why is Harappan script considered as an enigmatic script?

The Harappan script is called enigmatic because of the following reasons: Most inscriptions were short, the longest contained about 26 signs, each sign stood for a vowel or consonant. Till today, the script remains undeciphered. The script was non-alphabetical, it had many signs, somewhere between 375 and 400.

Is Harappan script deciphered?

The Indus script (also known as the Harappan script) is a corpus of symbols produced by the Indus Valley Civilization. In spite of many attempts, the ‘script’ has not yet been deciphered, but efforts are ongoing.

Who interpreted the Brahmi script?

Brahmi, the main script used in ancient India mainly from 3rd century BC to 6th century AD, is considered as the core script for genesis of other modern Indian scripts according to experts. The script was deciphered by Prinsep, the founding editor of Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal, in 1837.

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What are the main features of Harappan script?

Answer: The two features of Harrapan script are — 1. It was pictographic in nature as the script consisted of designs of animals,fishes and various forms of human figure too. 2.It was found to be inscribed on seals, terracota tablets, etc.

How do we say that Harappan people had certain religious beliefs?

How do we say that the Harappan people had certain religious beliefs? Answer: Although no remains of temples or worship-places have been found except the fire-altars at Kalibangan ; but the seals and figurines etc.

Why do archaeologist and historians find Harappan script enigmatic explain reasons?

Answer: Archaeologists and historians found Harappan script enigmatic. The reasons behind it were: Harappan seals usually had a line of writing, containing the name and title of the owner, sometimes the motif conveyed a meaning to those who could not read.

Why is Harappan script considered as an enigmatic script mention any two difficulties faced by the historian in deciphering the Indian script what are its features?

Harappan script is an enigmatic script because of following reasons: (1) Most inscriptions are short and the longest one containing about 26 signs. (2) These scripts were not alphabetical as it has too many signs (between 375 to 400).