
What percent of the population was drafted in Vietnam?

What percent of the population was drafted in Vietnam?

25\% (648,500) of total forces in country were draftees. (66\% of U.S. armed forces members were drafted during WWII).

How was the draft for Vietnam unfair?

The draft for the Vietnam War brought with it anxiety and anger to many American households. The draft was viewed as unequal because the working class man’s only choice was to go to war, while the wealthy men would go to college or enlist in the National Guard.

How was the draft Unfair during the Vietnam War?

How many were drafted in the Vietnam War?

The Draft in Context The military draft brought the war to the American home front. During the Vietnam War era, between 1964 and 1973, the U.S. military drafted 2.2 million American men out of an eligible pool of 27 million.

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Who was exempt from the Vietnam draft?

1. Be a Conscientious Objector. Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mennonites, the Amish, and Quakers are all considered Peace Churches who are opposed to any kind of military service. They were allowed to serve in other ways, however, but in a civilian capacity.

How did the military draft affect the Vietnam War?

The military draft brought the war to the American home front. During the Vietnam War era, between 1964 and 1973, the U.S. military drafted 2.2 million American men out of an eligible pool of 27 million.

How many men were exempted from the Vietnam War draft?

According to peace studies scholar David Cortright, more than half of the 27 million men eligible for the draft during the Vietnam War were deferred, exempted, or disqualified. The number of draft resisters in the United States was significant.

What was the largest draft call since the Korean War?

The November 1965 draft call was the largest since the Korean War. The military draft brought the war to the American home front. During the Vietnam War era, between 1964 and 1973, the U.S. military drafted 2.2 million American men out of an eligible pool of 27 million.

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Why is it illegal to draft men in the war?

These are also known as “reserved occupations” and are so necessary to a country’s war effort, drafting them is illegal. The jobs cannot be done by others and cannot be completely abandoned, but those men were required to continue working that job. 9. Get married