
What should I do if my 15 year old is pregnant?

What should I do if my 15 year old is pregnant?

What are the options for teenagers who are pregnant?

  1. abortion, or ending the pregnancy medically.
  2. adoption, or giving birth and legally permitting someone else to raise your child.
  3. giving birth and raising the child yourself.

How do you react when your daughter tells you she is pregnant?

First steps. It’s okay to feel shocked if your daughter has just disclosed to you that she’s pregnant. It’s also okay to tell her you need some time to absorb it before you sit down and talk it over with her. Let her know you’re glad she’s told you and that you love her.

How can we solve the problem of teenage pregnancy?

Suggestions for improving the situation included 1) developing a community based approach which utilizes school sex education integrated with parent, church, and community groups, 2) increasing teenage knowledge of contraception, and 3) providing counseling and medical and psychological health, education, and nutrition …

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How do I know if my 15 year old daughter is pregnant?

Look for signs – physical, behavioral, emotional Before leaping to conclusions, look for supporting indications that your daughter may be pregnant. Is she displaying physical symptoms like nausea, appetite changes, unusual food cravings, fatigue or frequent urination?

How do you announce a teenage pregnancy?

The Conversation

  1. First, find the words. You might say, “I have something difficult to tell you.
  2. Be prepared to deal with the reaction. What happens next?
  3. Give your parents time to speak without jumping in. Listen to what they say.
  4. Tell them how you feel.
  5. If you need to, get help breaking the news.

Can a mother get her daughter’s morning sickness?

They found that if a mother had the condition, her daughter was three times more likely to develop it as well. However, there is no increased risk to the female partners of men whose mothers suffered through it.

What do you say to a pregnant teenage daughter?

Here’s advice on how to help your pregnant teen:

  1. Keep your anger in check. It’s natural for you to feel angry and disappointed.
  2. Support them. Offer your daughter emotional, physical and financial support.
  3. Consider all the options. Remind your daughter she has options.
  4. Help them stay in school.
  5. Get some help.
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What are 4 ways to prevent teenage pregnancy?


  • Oral Contraception…… “the pill”
  • Implanon.
  • Injectable contraception…..”the injection”
  • Male and female condoms.
  • Dual protection.
  • Emergency contraception (should be used within 5 days of unprotected sex, or condom breakage)- Toll free no: 0800246432.
  • Male and female sterilisation.

What is the most effective program to prevent teenage pregnancy?

The OPA Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program is a national, evidence-based grant program that funds diverse organizations working to prevent teen pregnancy across the United States.

What should I do if my daughter is not pregnant?

If your daughter isn’t planning on going through with the pregnancy, she’ll still need to take care of her body to manage her health and stress levels. Help ensure your daughter’s health by making sure she eats well, stays active, gets adequate rest, and manages stress effectively. [10]

What should I expect my 15 year old daughter to do?

Expect your 15-year-old to: They will start to develop a sense of right and wrong and use it to make decisions. But sometimes they will act without a lot of thought. Your daughter will get better at organizing themselves. Many girls this age do a good job as they juggle school, activities, and work.

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How can I encourage my teenager to get pregnant?

Encourage her to make healthy choices. Teen moms have unique risks because their bodies may not have fully matured enough to support a growing baby. If your daughter isn’t planning on going through with the pregnancy, she’ll still need to take care of her body to manage her health and stress levels.

How do I talk to someone about my teenage daughter’s pregnancy?

Explain the circumstances to the person and ask them for support and/or advice. Don’t talk to someone you know will be a negative influence on either you, your daughter, or the situation. Choose someone you know you can trust to be empathetic. If you know another parent who has dealt with teen pregnancy, they may be a great sounding board.