
What to say if a company asks if you have other offers?

What to say if a company asks if you have other offers?

You should call your recruiter for company B, tell them “Hey, I got an offer from company A. But I’m still interested in your company, so if you give me a competitive offer, I’d prefer that. What do you think are my chances of getting an offer, and how soon?”

What do you say to HR when offered a job?

Examples of what to say

  1. “Thank you so much for the opportunity! I look forward to working with your company and helping grow the business.
  2. “Thank you for the job offer! This is such a great opportunity with your company.
  3. “Thank you so much for your time and for the opportunity to work with your company.
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Can I show offer letter to current employer?

Generally not. Because your current employer is not ready to leave you in the sense, they are believing that you are a hard worker and company needs something from you. It indirectly saying that they are having trust on you and also ready to give hike also. So in this situation, they will not ask you the letter.

Should you tell a potential employer about another offer?

Yes. You should definitely tell a company that you just received an offer from another employer. There’s a psychological payoff to telling a potential employer that you’ve already received another offer. It shows them you’re employable (exceedingly so)—and by the way, may not be available on the job market much longer.

Should I tell HR about other offers?

Can HR ask offer letter?

Yes, You can. You might need to show offer letter when you asking more hike from another company. But don’t disclose your company from which you having offer letter, till all interview process is done.

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Should I show the offer letter to the company?

Showing them the offer letter will cut right to the end. They will either just beat A’s offer or they will walk away. of course if you told them how much A is offering while you were talking to HR, they want to see the letter before they push for a funding decision from the company. They don’t want to maximize their offer when there was no offer.

Should you say yes to a job offer right away?

In that moment when you finally get the job offer, it can be tempting to cheer, “Yessssss! When can I start?” before you’ve had a chance to take a breath. But no matter how much you’re jumping up and down or ready to launch the confetti, resist the urge to say yes to the offer right away.

How do you ask for a job offer in writing?

Ask for the offer in writing. You want to get the offer in writing before you start negotiating or say yes to the job for two main reasons. First, you want to ensure that this is a firm job offer and there are no miscommunications about the details of the package that’s on the table.

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Should I accept an offer from B If I already have a?

If you already have an offer from A, presumably you are not desperate to get an offer from B, so you don’t have to give in to unreasonable demands. Well, I don’t know how good the offer from A is or what you expect from B. As always in real life, sometimes you have to weigh the pros and cons. Your mistake was mentioning the other offer.