
What type of artillery was used in ww1?

What type of artillery was used in ww1?

Two main types of artillery were used during World War I, light field artillery pulled by horses, and heavier guns, such as howitzers, moved by tractor and set up on strengthened panels on the ground.

How do they aim artillery?

The aiming circle must be set up in two minutes, then Soldiers use magnetic north to orient it. From there they use three known points to change the aiming circle’s orientation from magnetic north to grid north to fire on a target.

How does WW1 artillery work?

Different types of weapons made up the artillery of WWI. Guns had a long barrel and shot almost directly at their target. Howitzers had a shorter barrel and a fired their projectiles in a curved trajectory. 60\% of the battlefield casualties in WWI were caused by artillery shells exploding.

How did artillery develop in WW1?

For the first time, the artillery had a highly sensitive contact fuze; so sensitive that it would explode the shell as soon as it touched barbed wire. Shells were also developed to contain compressed poison gas in addition to the high explosive or shrapnel used from 1914.

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What is the difference between Line artillery and support artillery?

Line Artillery can not paradropped; while Support Artillery can be. Line Artillery is slow… and will slow fast units (since the slowest unit in the division determins the speed of the overall division). While Support Artillery does not.

How did artillery change during the Napoleonic Wars?

One of the major changes was to shift to effective indirect fire. Since Napoleon the basic technique was to mass fire, but due the increase in firepower from small arms and machine guns, the artillery needed to be deployed behind the front lines. Hence, the only possibility to mass fire was by using indirect fire.

How much does line artillery slow down a tank?

Since line artillery will NOT be used in ALL my divisions (i.e. a Fast tank division with no line artillery can travel 12+ kph (it can have support – since support artillery does not effect speed); however, with line artillery it slows light tanks to about 4kph.

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What were the limitations of artillery in WW1?

In the beginning of the war the artillery was mostly an auxiliary arm, it should support the infantry, but there was little training or doctrine available in order to coordinate such efforts. This often led to friendly fire incidents. In terms of coordination of artillery itself, there were major limits too.