
What was the point of the sequel trilogy?

What was the point of the sequel trilogy?

The sequel trilogy was to feature Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Master in his sixties, passing on the torch to the next generation of Jedi, the dismantlement of the last remnants of the Galactic Empire and the rebuilding of the Galactic Republic.

How popular was the original Star Wars?

The incredible success of Star Wars–it received seven Oscars, and earned $461 million in U.S. ticket sales and a gross of close to $800 million worldwide–began with an extensive, coordinated marketing push by Lucas and his studio, 20th Century Fox, months before the movie’s release date.

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Is sequel trilogy canon?

For now, the sequel trilogy does remain canon, and will likely stay that way. But just as we explained with the sequels being ‘deleted’, you can always pretend that they aren’t canon and that Rian Johnson, J.J. Abrams, and Kathleen Kennedy simply poured a lot of money into some weird fan-fiction project.

Was Star Wars originally meant to be a trilogy?

With the backstory he created for the sequel, Lucas decided that the series would be a trilogy of trilogies, with the original film given the subtitle Episode IV – A New Hope to establish it as the first part of the second trilogy.

Why do people like the Star Wars prequels so much?

If you look at Star Wars as an epic Grecian tragedy, (the prequels) contextualize the original trilogy so well. It actually lends the original trilogy a lot more power when you know the history behind it. . . . The worlds, the designs and the sci-fi concepts they introduce (in Attack of the Clones) are the best in all of Star Wars.

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What was the biggest problem with the Star Wars sequel trilogy?

Star Wars Sequel Trilogy’s Biggest Problem Was Disney’s Lack Of A Plan Lucasfilm’s Star Wars sequel trilogy was flawed from the start, because the studio had no idea where their story was going. By Thomas Bacon Published Sep 27, 2020 Lucasfilm’s biggest mistake with the Star Wars sequel trilogy was an overall lack of planning and forethought.

Why didn’t George Lucas make a sequel to Star Wars?

” There are still elements of Lucas’ ideas to be found in the sequel trilogy, but on the whole Lucasfilm blazed their own trail. In truth, it was an understandable decision; Lucas’ prequel trilogy had divided the fanbase, in part because he didn’t quite understand his audience.

Is ‘Star Wars’ getting closer to the original trilogy?

Subsequent prequels, Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, moved closer to Lucas’s originals, but many fans felt betrayed. This wasn’t their Star Wars. J.J. Abrams’ upcoming seventh film, Episode VII: the Force Awakens, will reportedly hew closer in style to the original trilogy.