
What would happen if a bowling ball hit the Earth at the speed of light?

What would happen if a bowling ball hit the Earth at the speed of light?

If a bowling ball were to travel at the speed of light, its energy would be infinite. If we assume that the bowling ball had magically appeared within the Solar System, on a random trajectory to intercept Earth, this infinite quantity of energy would be contained within the volume of a bowling ball.

How small would the Earth be in a black hole?

After just a few minutes more — 21 to 22 minutes total — the entire mass of the Earth would have collapsed into a black hole just 1.75 centimeters (0.69”) in diameter: the inevitable result of an Earth’s mass worth of material collapsing into a black hole.

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What would happen if a black hole hit our Solar System?

As the black hole made its way through the Solar System, it would disrupt the orbits of all the planets in it. Likely, our space intruder would tangle the biggest planet in the system, Jupiter. The black hole would pull all the gas from the giant planet, turning it into a swirling hot disk.

Is it likely that the Sun could be destroyed by a wandering black hole that enters the Solar System?

Thus, any planets unfortunate enough to be caught in its path would be devoured, even those as large as Jupiter. Unfortunately, the most likely scenario is that, like the planets, the Sun is ripped apart and joins the planets in the swirling mass of super-heated dust and gas roaring around the black hole.

What if you punch at the speed of light?

As a result, you would need an infinite amount of energy to match the speed of photons traveling through a vacuum…that’s kind of impossible. …

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What happens if Earth entered a black hole?

Our atmosphere would start to be vacuumed up. And then huge chunks of the Earth would rip apart and follow suit. If Earth managed to fall into the orbit of the black hole, we’d experience tidal heating. The strong uneven gravitational pull on the Earth would continuously deform the planet.

What happens if Earth enters a black hole?

The edge of the Earth closest to the black hole would feel a much stronger force than the far side. As such, the doom of the entire planet would be at hand. We would be pulled apart.

What would happen if a black hole appeared near Earth?

Bad News for Earth What would happen, hypothetically, if a black hole appeared out of nowhere next to Earth? The edge of the Earth closest to the black hole would feel a much stronger force than the far side. As such, the doom of the entire planet would be at hand. We would be pulled apart.

What happens if a black hole passes through the Solar System?

However, if the black hole passed directly through the Solar System, then things get immeasurably worse. At a distance 100,000 times greater than that between Earth and the Sun, the black hole would pass through the Oort Cloud.

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How much angular momentum would it take to make a black hole?

Trying to make a small (two Earth mass) black hole with all of the Earth’s angular momentum would mean that the surface would have to travel at about 10 9 times the speed of light.

Will the Earth be swallowed up by a black hole?

A black hole with a Schwarzschild radius of about a centimeter, which would make it about the size of a coin, would have about the same mass as the Earth. The reason the Earth will be destroyed but not simply swallowed up is because the Earth will be resisting the black hole in at least two ways.

What is the new rule on bowling ball weight holes?

The committee proved that size and location of bowling ball weight holes well exceeds rg. and differential rg. regulations. New rule changes concerning bowling ball weight holes are to be implemented by August 1, 2020.
