
What you mean by trekking?

What you mean by trekking?

(ˈtrɛkɪŋ) the act of making a long journey across difficult country on foot, usually for pleasure. trekking through the jungles. This year we’re going trekking in Nepal. to go on a trekking holiday.

What is the trekking and explain the types of trekking?

Trekking is mainly of four kinds:1 Easy Trekking: This type of activity if for beginners and basically involves the view of colorful horizons or sight of beautiful nature. 2 Moderate Trekking: Moderate trekking is more challenging than easy trekking. It is performed on medium to slightly higher altitudes.

Why do you want to hike?

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Walking through nature and breathing clean air helps us to relax and get away from the stress of the city. Hiking helps you to forget all the problems, being highly recommended for people suffering from anxiety, stress or depression. So you know, for your next vacation grab your bag and get in touch with nature.

How do you prepare yourself for trekking?

Training & Preparation I recommend city dwellers walk up and down stairs to strengthen their legs and simulate walking uphill. Besides that, stamina-building activities like running and cycling can also help. Even when using porters or mules, trekkers need to carry a day pack with warm tops, water, and snacks.

How did the idea of going to trekking come to you?

The idea of going to trekking was first mooted to me by my friend, Sushrut. I at first was skeptical of going to a trekking adventure as I had never done it before. He did the work of assuring me that this is a small trek and u will not find any difficulty in trekking due to u r weight.

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What is it like to return from a 5 day Himalayan trek?

Having returned from my first 5 day himalayan trek, my big toes were both swollen, one of them was watering and turning blue, my leg calves muscles were sore…. my entire body felt heavy …. But My heart and soul felt light and at unusual peace……here I was in one piece, safe and alive, SARPASS RETURN!

Is trekking a challenge for me due to my weight?

Hence, trekking was always going to be a challenge for me due to my weight. The idea of going to trekking was first mooted to me by my friend, Sushrut. I at first was skeptical of going to a trekking adventure as I had never done it before.

What happened on the 8th day of the trek?

The eighth day of the trek was my crew’s greatest challenge: Super Black Death, a hike of seven peaks in one day. By 4 PM we had conquered most of the peaks. As we were climbing what we thought was our sixth peak, Big Red, a storm struck. It was a cold driving rain that froze us as we struggled up the mountain.