
Where did you keep it or kept?

Where did you keep it or kept?

I suspect that what you mean is “where d’you keep it?”, where “d’ “ is short for “do”. In this case, “keep it” is correct, because it is present tense verb-form. In your second version, “kept” is past tense, and the “ ‘d” is irrelevant.

Did not keep or did not kept?

Did & Kept are both past tense words, so basically you can’t use both of them in the same sentence. Since you use “did” that converts the sentence to simple past tense already, you shoud not use “kept” which is also past tense. The correct sentence would be “I did not keep my promise.”

Where did you go is correct sentence?

“Where did you go?” is correct. In English (and many other Indo-European languages) questions have a kind of verb flipping; verbs move from their original position to one more forward in the sentence which is why “Where you went?” cannot be correct as the verb is still in its original position.

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Why did you keep or kept?

The word keep is defined as “to have or retain possession,” of an object, or “place an object” somewhere. The past tense and past participle of the word keep is “kept”. The word keep when used as a verb, requires an object which can be seen in the following sentences in the present tense.

Should not have kept?

should is the past tense of modal verb shall. When forming a statement about the past using that modal verb, it is combined with auxiliary verb have and the past-participle of the lexical verb. The lexical verb here is keep and its past participle form is kept.

Did not keep or kept?

The word keep is defined as “to have or retain possession,” of an object, or “place an object” somewhere. The past tense and past participle of the word keep is “kept”.

How do you use kept in a sentence?

Kept Sentence Examples

  1. I’m sorry I kept you waiting, but Tessa had nothing to do with it.
  2. The clock kept on ticking.
  3. She kept her eyes on the floor as she walked by him.
  4. He was reputed to have kept a cool head during battle and wasn’t easily intimidated.
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Where did you go yesterday sentence?

“Where did you go, yesterday?” is absolutely correct grammar. “Where did you went yesterday?” is absolutely wrong grammar. Conversation: “Where did you go, yesterday?” “I went to the store.” Conversation: “Where did you go, yesterday?” “I went to the village to see my mother.