
Which caste does Yadav belong to?

Which caste does Yadav belong to?

The Yadavs are included in the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) category in the Indian states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.

Is Yadav an upper caste?

The Koeri, Kurmi, Yadav and Bania are categorised as the upper-backwards amongst the Other Backward Class group; while the various other caste groups which constitutes the OBC, a group comprising 51\% of the population of state of Bihar, has been classified as lower backwards.

Which God is Yadav?

Yadu was a legendary Hindu king, believed to be an ancestor of the god Krishna, who for this reason is sometimes referred to as Yadava. Since Krishna is said to have been brought up among Ahirs, who were herdsmen, the surname Yadav is popular among them.

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Is Lord Krishna is Yadav?

Krishna was now born as a Kshatriya (or warrior caste) of the Yadava clan and his second name, Vasudeva, was explained away as a patronym (the name “Vasudeva” was given to his father). Fearing the wrath of his uncle, Kamsa, Krishna was eventually smuggled into the cowherd tribe of the Abhiras.

Is Yadav and Konar same?

According to Alf Hiltebeitel, Konar is a regional name for Yadava, the caste to which Krishna belongs. The caste name is interchangeable with the names Konar and Kovalar being derived from Tamil word Kōn, which can mean “king” and “herdsmen”.

Who killed Yadavas?

Background to Mausala parva In days after the 18-day Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna meets Gandhari, a meeting described in Stri Parva. In anger and grief over the death of her sons and the Kaurava soldiers, Gandhari curses Krishna with the destruction of Yadavas in a manner similar to the death of her sons.

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Who were the Yadavs?

Yadavas have been mentioned as one of the panchjanya tribes in ancient Vedic texts. In Indian history, particularly with reference to the Vedic Period, the Yadavs had a glorious past and Yadavs were known for their bravery and diplomatic wisdom. Yadavs are said to be “naturally” predisposed to fight.

What does yadv stand for?

Yadav or Jhadhav ( Hindi: यादव, yādava) is an Indian caste that claims descent from Yadu. Yadavas have been mentioned as one of the panchjanya tribes in ancient Vedic texts. In Indian history, particularly with reference to the Vedic Period, the Yadavs had a glorious past and Yadavs were known for their bravery and diplomatic wisdom.

Can a Yadav become a Brahmins?

Generally Yadavs are a martial class or Kshatriya Clan. But we see many examples in our scriptures that people from one varna become other varna by developing those qualities. The most femous one is of King Viswamitra, who was a Kshatriya king and who took it as a challenge to become a brahmin.

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What is the percentage of Yadav in India?

Yadav is a category consisting of several allied castes which together constitute about 20\% of the total population of India, 20\% population of Nepal and about 3\% population of the planet earth.