
Which language has the most words French or English?

Which language has the most words French or English?

English is one of the most populous languages in terms of dictionary entries. The Oxford English contains over 200,000 words, with 171,476 active words and 47,156 inactive words. According to the dictionary Larousse, French has a vocabulary of 59,000 words.

Does English have more words than Spanish?

Steven Frank, the author of The Pen Commandments claims that English has 500,000 words with German having about 135,000 and French having fewer than 100,000….Counting the Words in the Dictionary.

Language Words in the Dictionary
Italian 260,000
English 171,476
Russian 150,000
Spanish 93,000

What language has the largest number of words?

English (a rich Germanic language because heavily influenced mainly by German, French, Latin, and ancient Greek)) has the largest number of words, I believe.

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Which language is richest in words?

Korean: The largest Korean dictionary contains 1,100,373 words.

  • Arabic: Three,four,or five letter roots create the Arabic alphabet.
  • German: If compound words are included,the German language contains over 300,000 words.
  • Finnish: Finnish,as an agglutinative language,can produce an infinite number of words.
  • What language sounds the worst?

    1) Chinese. 2) Hindi. 3) Italian. 4) Arabic. 5) American English. 6) Old English. 7) German. 8) French. 9) Latin. 10) Tamil.

    What is language contains the most words?

    English is considered the language with the most words. Modern English evolved from the Germanic language family, which also relates to Dutch and German, among other languages. The Germanic family languages share much of their grammar and essential vocabulary.