
Who came to Jerusalem first Ezra or Nehemiah?

Who came to Jerusalem first Ezra or Nehemiah?

Chronological order of Ezra and Nehemiah Ezra 7:8 says that Ezra arrived in Jerusalem in the seventh year of king Artaxerxes, while Nehemiah 2:1–9 has Nehemiah arriving in Artaxerxes’ twentieth year.

When did Nehemiah arrive in Jerusalem?

445 BCE
This enables us to account for all the dated events in the books and to elude that Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem in the spring of 445 BCE and Ezra the summer of 443 BCE.

When did Nehemiah take place?

5th century BC
Historical background The book is set in the 5th century BC. Judah is one of several provinces within a larger satrapy (a large administrative unit) within the Achaemenid Empire. The capital of the empire is at Susa. Nehemiah is a cup-bearer to king Artaxerxes I of Persia – an important official position.

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Who began to rebuild the Temple in the book of Ezra?

Cyrus encouraged the rebuilding of the Temple (see Ezra 1: 1-4).

What was rebuilt first the temple or the walls?

The temple was rebuilt before the walls of Jerusalem.

Who rebuilt the Second Temple in Jerusalem?

Herod the Great
Of major importance was the rebuilding of the Second Temple begun by Herod the Great, king (37 bce–4 ce) of Judaea. Construction began in 20 bce and lasted for 46 years.

What did Ezra and Nehemiah do to help serve God?

The Jewish people, Ezra and Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem, serving God by reconstructing the Temple and the walls. Help the Lord by taking care of your church. Also, help take care of your neighborhood.

Who was Ezra in the Bible and what did he do?

King Artaxerxes was now king of Persia. Ezra was allowed to lead a second group of Jews from Babylon to Jerusalem. Ezra dedicated his life to study and practice the Law of God and taught all the commandments to the people of Israel. When arriving in Jerusalem, hesaw thatonceagaintheJewswere disobeying God.

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Why did Ezra build a spiritual wall in Jerusalem?

Thanks to Nehemiah, Jerusalem now had a physical wall to protect the Jewish people. Next it was up to Ezra to set up a spiritual wall. In order to be successful on any front the Jewish people had to be strengthened internally.

What did Ezra discover about the Jewish shops in Jerusalem?

Ezra also saw that all the Jewish-owned stores in Jerusalem were open on the Sabbath, which was the market day. The non-Jews from the neighboring towns and villages would come into Jerusalem on the Sabbath to make purchases. The Jewish shop-owners told Ezra that they had found legal loopholes in Jewish law for doing so.