
Who is the cat in Animal Farm based on?

Who is the cat in Animal Farm based on?

Snowball is a character in George Orwell’s 1945 novel Animal Farm. He is largely based on Leon Trotsky, who led the opposition against Joseph Stalin (Napoleon).

Which animals represent who in Animal Farm?

Animal Farm represents the Russian Revolution of 1917. Old Major represents Karl Marx, Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, Napoleon represents Josef Stalin, Squealer represents propaganda, and Boxer is a representation for all the Russian laborers and workers.

What types of people might Mollie and the cat symbolize?

What type of people do you think Boxer, Mollie, and the cat appear to represent? Boxer: The working class; hard-workingand respected. Mollie: The members of the working class that stayed loyal to czar; pretty and shallow. The cat: Sneaky, cowardly and lazy.

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What is the cat’s name in Animal Farm?

The cat in Animal Farm is never named. Her actions do not affect the plot, and she mostly acts as an allegorical representative of the Russian upper…

What happened to the cat Animal Farm?

A greedy and self-serving farm cat. The cat disappears before Napoleon turns Animal Farm into an entirely totalitarian state.

Who are the pigs in Animal Farm?

The pigs Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer adapt Old Major’s ideas into “a complete system of thought”, which they formally name Animalism, an allegoric reference to Communism, not to be confused with the philosophy Animalism.

Who is Clover Animal Farm?

Clover. A good-hearted female cart-horse and Boxer’s close friend. Clover often suspects the pigs of violating one or another of the Seven Commandments, but she repeatedly blames herself for misremembering the commandments.

What type of people do boxer Mollie and the cat represent in Animal Farm?

They stand for the poor, exploited working people. Major represents Karl Marx, the philosopher, who described the virtues of communism. 3. Specifically, whom might Mr.

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What is the attitude of Mollie and the cat toward work on the farm?

What is the attitude of Mollie and the cat toward work on the farm? noticed that when there was work to be done the cat could never be found. was impossible not to believe in her good intentions.

Why did the cat disappear in Animal Farm?

The cat was loyal to the Animal Farm, but not to the pigs; and in the end the cat flees away as she feels betrayed by Napoleon.

Who does Pilkington represent in Animal Farm?

Within Animal Farm’s allegory of Soviet Communism, Foxwood represents the United Kingdom, and Mr. Pilkington represents the British ruling class. Animal Farm therefore suggests that Britain is an old-fashioned country, badly run by self-serving aristocrats.

What is the purpose of the Cat on the farm?

It’s spy and spy community. The cat always lurks in the shadows, listens to other animals, watches over them. It is also the only animal which leaves the farm and visits other farms and nobody knows what it is doing there. In fact, nobody knows what it is doing anywhere, what is the work that cat does.

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What is the significance of the cat in the story?

The cat represents both intelligence and unsavory part of society, in a way. In short, the cat represents secret intelligence services, specifically civilian ones (KGB, CIA etc).

How does the cat feel about Animalism in Animal Farm?

The cat in the book simply could not care less of the Animalism or the lectures; all she wanted to do was to catch rodents (harmful vermin) and be free (she skips menial work). The cat was loyal to the Animal Farm, but not to the pigs; and in the end the cat flees away as she feels betrayed by Napoleon.

In short, the cat represents secret intelligence services, specifically civilian ones (KGB, CIA etc). It’s spy and spy community. The cat always lurks in the shadows, listens to other animals, watches over them.
