
Who would win in a fight a viking or a Spartan?

Who would win in a fight a viking or a Spartan?

If all Viking armies (or even one Army of any Viking nation) went to war with Sparta, they would easily win. The Vikings have hundreds of years of technology above Sparta but here are other reasons to look at: Sparta could not field massive armies.

Did Spartans and Vikings ever fight?

Major Battle While the Vikings won their bout, they avoided a great deal of fighting with the Elite Frankish troops, and while the Spartans brought hell to the Persians, they were defeated in the end.

Are Spartans stronger than samurai?

If both had long ranged weapons EG Spear and Naginata, Spartan could win because of the shield that they used in conjunction with thier spear. If they both fought with swords, samurai would win because of the range that a nodachi/katana has over the spartan sword {forgot the name}.

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Who did the berserkers fight?

One tale within tells the story of Bödvar Bjarki, a berserker who is able to shapeshift into a bear and uses this ability to fight for king Hrólfr Kraki. “Men saw that a great bear went before King Hrolf’s men, keeping always near the king. He slew more men with his fore paws than any five of the king’s champions.”

Can a samurai beat a ninja?

If it is a large-group fight, the samurai can easily win. The ninja and the samurai usually collaborated. During the war of Tensho-Iga (1581), the ninja clans were devastated by the samurai (The forces of Oda Nobunaga). Even though the ninja were defeated, their guerilla fighting skills impressed the samurai.

What are Viking berserkers?

berserker, Norwegian berserk, Old Norse berserkr (“bearskin”), in premedieval and medieval Norse and Germanic history and folklore, a member of unruly warrior gangs that worshipped Odin, the supreme Norse deity, and attached themselves to royal and noble courts as bodyguards and shock troops.

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Who would win samurai or Spartan?

Samurai is the first matchup of the Back for Blood special of the TV Show Deadliest Warrior. It pitted the two ancient warriors from Season 1; Spartan and Samurai. After running 1000 battles. The Spartan came out victorious….Weapons.

Spartan Samurai Advantage
Shortsword Katana Katana
Shield Kanabo Shield

Who would win Vikings or Romans?

In a conventional battle, the Romans would win. They have the advantage in tactics, logistics and cavalry. Open battle is what the Roman soldier trained for. The Norse would put up a fierce fight, but would be outflanked and routed.

How would a Viking raid on Sparta be a success?

Depends on the situation. A Viking raid into Sparta would be a success, as they could beach their ships on an undefended port, run inland, and run off with their Spartan’s slaves and booty. A Thermopylae style situation with the Spartans holding a chokepoint would bode poorly for the Vikings.

Who would be the aggressors in a war between Sparta and Vikings?

The vikings would likely be the aggressors. They want to raid and pillage Sparta. The Spartans are going to want to repel the viking raiding parties, and a home field advantage, along with knowledge of the rocky terrain is going to make it much too difficult for scattered vikings to make a successful raid on Sparta.

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How strong would a Spartan be compared to a Viking?

It depends, of course. Both cultures glorified battle to an extreme. A Viking would have been physically larger and stronger but the Spartan would have been in constant training from age 7, so he was more skilled in wrestling and unarmed combat than his larger opponent.

How would the Vikings deal with the Spartan phalanx?

While they would not be likely to cause casualties, mere their presence would mean moral uncertainty. The best chance for the Vikings would simply be to outflank the Spartan phalanx. This would not even be too difficult – just to skirmish and draw the phalanx off the anchoring terrain, and then double envelop it.