
Why are fantasy books set in medieval times?

Why are fantasy books set in medieval times?

It deals with magic, interesting characters/creatures and big adventures, to create a vivid world. A world where anything is possible, and where there has been no loss of identity. This is why you typically see a fantasy story set in medieval times. Because it was a time prior to the modern society.

Why is medieval fantasy so popular?

Medieval Europe so popular for fantasy books, movies, and games because it is not as far removed from our period as more ancient civilizations. Also the Early Anglo-Saxon, a Germanic language, from which English arose left literature and documentation, as well as writing in ancient Greek and Latin.

What time period are fantasy stories set in?

18th century Russian frontier. Most fantasy series are set in a medieval Europe setting. What are other time periods/eras that would make a great setting for a fantasy series?

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Why is medieval fantasy so popular Reddit?

Because of the influence of Gothic literature, Romantic poetry, and Victorian art that depicted Medieval scenes (like Pre-Raphaelite art), art forms that influenced modern fantasy, the Medieval era has a special place in the modern Anglo-American imagination.

What time period is medieval fantasy?

The fantasy genre is often characterized by a medieval time period or some form of pre-19th-century Western culture. Kingdoms, dragons, and wizards are classic elements found in fantasy.

Is high fantasy medieval?

High fantasy is set in an alternative, fictional (“secondary”) world, rather than the “real” or “primary” world. The romances of William Morris, such as The Well at the World’s End, set in an imaginary medieval world, are sometimes regarded as the first examples of high fantasy.

Does fantasy have to be medieval?

Not All Fantasy is Medieval At first, to get things clear, we all know fantasy doesn’t have to be set in Medieval Times. Popular books like J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter, H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu, Neil Gaiman’s American Gods aren’t set in a Medieval world and most people would agree to place it on a Fantasy book-shelf.

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Where does modern fantasy come from?

Most modern fantasy has its genre roots in both Tolkien-inspired “high/epic fantasy” and the “sword and sorcery” fantasy that arose in the 1930s.

What is the setting of the books in the medieval period?

Neither are set in the Medieval era per se, but both usually have clearly pre-modern technology inspired by a variety of pre-historic, ancient and medieval cultures as well as elements reminiscent of pre-modern legend and mythology.

What are the elements of the fantasy genre?

One of the most common elements in the fantasy genre is the Medieval world. Even though it’s not a rule, it sure carries a certain weight, a mood fantasy readers like to face while roaming the fictional worlds. Which leads us to… 3. Fantasy Tropes vs Fantasy Worlds