
Why are there no drive thrus in San Luis Obispo?

Why are there no drive thrus in San Luis Obispo?

A ban on drive-through restaurants has been on the books in San Luis Obispo since the 1980s. It was originally written to temper car culture in a college town, but the silver lining has been its effect on health, especially obesity and the myriad health care costs associated with the obesity epidemic.

Is walk through faster than drive thru?

During quiet hours, we have strong evidence suggesting the drive thru is faster. We can also make the conclusion from our observational study that drive through and walking in times are not significantly different during busy hours.

Why do I always have to pull forward at mcdonalds?

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Originally Answered: Why does McDonald’s always ask me to pull forward? McDonald’s makes thier money by moving cars through the drive thru. If your food isn’t ready when you get to the second window, for whatever reason, they pull you forward so that they can serve the next person thier food in a timely manner.

Does San Luis Obispo have drive thrus?

But if you’ve ever driven through the city of San Luis Obispo you may notice there are no fast food drive-throughs. That’s because they were banned by city council years ago. The policy is still in place, and the city has no plans to change that.

Are drive thrus illegal in San Luis Obispo?

Fast food restaurant drive-thrus will stay banned in San Luis Obispo, after the City Council this week refused to ask staff to explore changing the 25-year-old prohibition. In 1982, the council said it was to avoid litter and air pollution.

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Is it faster to go inside or drive-thru Starbucks?

Most of the time, using the Starbucks drive-thru is slower than going inside. Plus, the drive-thru has other drawbacks that could spoil your morning cuppa.

Why do drive thrus make you backup?

If an employee of Burger King or other fast-food drive-throughs ever asks you to back up before pulling forward, they’re most likely attempting to re-set the timer sensors so it appears you’re being served faster. The revelation comes from Amy Oztan, who writes the Selfish Mom blog.