
Why are veterans treated as heroes?

Why are veterans treated as heroes?

Why American Veterans Are Heroes Veterans are heroes because they are confident under pressure, fight for our freedom, and they are sacrificial. First, they are sacrificial because they go into war and fight for our rights. They are confident because when they go into war they do not say that they are going to lose.

Are Vietnam veterans respected?

In the same CBS poll, 94\% said Vietnam vets should have received the same respect. Ninety-seven percent in a 1979 poll agreed that veterans who served during the time the Vietnam War was going on deserved respect for having served their country in the armed forces.

How were the veterans of the Vietnam War often treated on their return home?

Unlike the hero status given to the returning soldiers form World War II, the soldiers that served in Vietnam were portrayed as baby killers, psychos, drug addicts and war mongers. Movies and television shows began depicting returning soldiers as deranged monsters even before the war ended.

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Why should you respect veterans?

1. Veterans fought for our freedoms and risked their lives whether or not we realized it or appreciated it. 2. Without the service of veterans we would not have the freedoms we have today.

Do all soldiers deserve to be called heroes?

Soldiers are often celebrated as heroes, but some people say they don’t automatically deserve that title. Not every soldier is a hero, and not every war is just. Others say referring to soldiers as heroes is done out of respect and gratitude for their personal sacrifice, not matter how big or small.

How ww2 and Vietnam veterans were treated differently?

During World War II, more than half of all men served, and men were only excluded from service if they had health problems, either physical or mental. During the Vietnam War, less than half enlisted, and men were able to evade service by enrolling in higher education.

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Why soldiers should be considered heroes?

Others say referring to soldiers as heroes is done out of respect and gratitude for their personal sacrifice, not matter how big or small. They are risking their lives to keep us safe, and acknowledging their sacrifice is the least we can do.

What makes someone a war hero?

1. A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life: soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war. 2.

What was it like for American soldiers returning home from Vietnam?

American soldiers returning home from Vietnam often faced scorn as the war they had fought in became increasingly unpopular. Twenty-one-year-old Steven A. Wowwk arrived as an infantryman in the Army’s First Cavalry Division in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in early January 1969 to fight in an escalating and increasingly unwinnable war.

How long did it take for America to honor Vietnam Veterans?

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In 1982 Vietnam veterans march down Constitution Avenue toward the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which would be dedicated later that day. The Gulf War saw a shift in attitudes. It would take nearly 20 years after the end of the war for America to get right with its Vietnam veterans.

What should Americans know about the Vietnam War?

What Americans should know: Too many lives, both American and Vietnamese, were lost. “We should have never gone into that war. We went in there in Vietnam and wasted 58,000 American lives and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese.

Why don’t we have parades for soldiers coming home from Vietnam?

“You don’t have parades for soldiers coming home from a war they lost.” Vietnam veterans hold a silent march down Pennsylvania Avenue past the White House here on April 22, 1971. GI benefits were lacking. Celebrations aside, the government also failed to make good on its promises to those who served.