
Why did Darth Vader keep hiring Boba Fett?

Why did Darth Vader keep hiring Boba Fett?

Fett was a clone of his father, as was the entire Clone Army. That means that Fett’s voice and appearance would match up with them. He’s never seen taking his mask off around Vader, so he wouldn’t have gotten a look at him.

Why did Vader tell Boba Fett No disintegrations?

Vader tells Boba Fett no disintegrations because Fett is the one who killed the Lars family in ANH.

What does Darth Vader forbid boba from using?

Shared as a simple image and title on reddit,one fan theorizes that, late in The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader prevents Boba Fett from firing on a frenzied Chewbacca in Cloud City’s carbon-freezing chamber because he feared a stray shot would hit C-3PO, who was strapped to the Wookiee’s back.

How did Boba Fett’s armor end up on Tatooine?

Boba’s armor fell into the possession of Cobb Vanth after the bounty hunter was left for dead on Tatooine. Fett’s mostly-complete armor had been acid-scarred and ultimately fell into the possession of Jawas, scavengers from the desert planet Tatooine, who patched the damaged section of the jetpack.

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What bounty hunters did Vader hire?

All of them were highly known and accomplished bounty hunters. However, Boba and Bossk did have a more heightened reputation than the others in their abilities. Darth Vader and the bounty hunters: From left to right, they are Dengar, IG-88, Boba Fett, Bossk, 4-LOM, and Zuckuss.

Did Vader recognize Chewbacca?

Late in the film, Darth Vader does not recognize C-3PO who is in Cloud City with Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia. Darth Vader built C-3PO and spent a lot of time with him from the time of his mother’s death to his turn to the dark side. There are several look-a-like protocol droids in the franchise.

Why did Vader stop Boba from killing Chewie?

As Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia were gathered in one location at the same time, Vader and his stormtroopers had the perfect opportunity to take them down. However, because he saw their dynamic as a source of weakness, he opted to spare them.