
Why did Dumbledore make Harry stay with the Dursleys?

Why did Dumbledore make Harry stay with the Dursleys?

Dumbledore was aware from the start that the Dursley’s weren’t ideal family material. But in order for the blood protection to work he had to leave Harry with a relative that would willingly take him in.

Why did Dumbledore make Harry do everything?

Dumbledore was never sending Harry off “like a pig to slaughter”—he lied to Snape. He was planning all along for Harry to survive and finish off Voldemort himself. So Dumbledore did what he had to do to defeat Voldemort—which was to aim Harry at him.

What does Dumbledore say to the Dursleys?

A Howler from Dumbledore, addressed to Petunia, said ‘Remember my last’ – no doubt referring to the letter which he left with baby Harry, on the doorstep of Privet Drive.

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What is the significance of Dumbledore’s relationship with Harry in the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?

He was loved in Philosopher’s Stone, when he comforted Harry about the loss of his parents; he was loved in Order of the Phoenix, where he faced off against Lord Voldemort; he was loved in Half-Blood Prince, in which he sacrificed himself for the greater good.

What does Dumbledore teach at Hogwarts?

Albus Dumbledore was a Transfiguration teacher. He was obviously an excellent teacher as he was made the headmaster of Hogwarts. Moreover he was the teacher of the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort himself. Dumbledore also taught Minerva McGonagall, the Head of Gryffindor during Harry, Ron and Hermione’s educational period.

Why was Petunia not allowed to go to Hogwarts?

Petunia was the eldest child of Muggles Mr and Mrs Evans and had a sister, Lily. Dumbledore responded saying that Petunia may not study at Hogwarts, and even though he responded kindly, Petunia felt hurt and left out, which also in part could have been because her parents were so proud of Lily’s talents.

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Why does Dumbledore ignore Harry in the 5th book?

Dumbledore thought that keeping Harry away from him would not drawThe Dark Lord’s Attention on Harry and initially Dumbledore thought that this worked, but he finally admits that it was his grave mistake. Dumbledore ignores Harry in the fifth book because he was afraid that Voldemort might be inside of Harry.

Why can’t Dumbledore move against Grindelwald?

Unbenknowst to most, Dumbledore was actually unable to confront Grindelwald directly: in their youth, the two wizards had sworn a blood pact, sealed in magic, not to fight each other. The vial that had sealed the pact was kept by Grindelwald for years until it was stolen in 1927 by Newton Scamander.