
Why did the samurai fail?

Why did the samurai fail?

The role of the samurai in peacetime declined gradually over this period, but two factors led to the end of samurai: the urbanization of Japan, and the end of isolationism. As more and more Japanese moved to the cities, there were fewer farmers producing the rice needed to feed the growing population.

Are samurai cruel?

The samurai often participated in ruthless roadside killings Sometimes, there were vague excuses for these gruesome slayings, such as testing out a new weapon or practicing a strike.

Did samurai get drunk?

It was drunk at all times from meals to religious ceremonies and was part of the Bushi-nin pre-battle ritual – the bushi being the more common Japanese term for the military caste of nobility better known to history as the samurai.

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Were samurais good or evil?

They were honorable within their own culture’s conception of honor. The values of medieval Japan, including the code of bushido, might not be considered right or honorable to other cultures, but samurai were expected to strictly uphold those values.

Does ninja still exist?

Employed by samurai warlords to spy, sabotage and kill, they are relics of an ancient code that have all but died out in the modern age. All but one. As the 21st head of the Ban clan, a dynasty of secret spies that can trace its history back some 500 years, 63-year-old engineer Jinichi Kawakami is Japan’s last ninja.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Japanese samurai?

Japanese Samurai. ADVANTAGES. – was light, as it was mostly from bamboo, with small parts made of cloth and metal. – because it was so light it made movement easy. – good for hand to hand combat, particulary for samurai’s precise and quick movements. – samurai’s could fight both on horse and on foot fairly easily.

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How vulnerable were samurai to massed formations?

During the Sengoku Jidai and at the Battle of Sekigahara, samurai came up against the arquebus which took down many of their number. When it came to massed formations, samurai were quite vulnerable to disciplined pikemen and or massed cannon and arquebuses.

What are the differences between a samurai and a Knight?

– samurai’s did have weaker weapons than those of a knight’s. – they fought mainly on foot and when faced with a knight on a horse were overpowered. – most of their weapons like arrows would not be able to penetrate a knight’s armour. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.

Why do samurai kill people they thought insulted?

Murder People They Thought Insulted Them “Kiri-sute gomen” was a basic right afforded to samurai that allowed them to immediately kill anyone of a lower class (including other samurai) if they felt insulted, with a punishing sword-assisted backhand.