
Why did ww2 planes have wires?

Why did ww2 planes have wires?

Voice for short range needed short short ones like a car. Long range morse communication needed a very long cable. This could cause damage on the ground and destroy power lines if the crew forgot to wind it in.

Why did old planes have cables?

Wire cross-bracing was extensively used to stiffen such airframes, both in the fabric-covered wings and in the fuselage, which was often left bare. Routine rigging of the wires was needed to maintain structural stiffness against bending and torsion.

Why do planes have wires?

It connects the wings, what we see externally, to the fuselage and has to transfer all of the load – all of the weight of the fuselage against the lift of the wings, as well as the dynami…

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What are the wires on planes?

Originally Answered: What was the function of the wire that ran the length of the fuselage atop early passenger airplanes? Those wires are radio antennas, stretched from a mast to an insulator at the tail.

What are the wires for on top of airplanes?

It is the HF antenna. It was mostly used in older aircraft, which used them in trans-oceanic flights or in areas without UHF or VHF communications facilities.

What is Airplane top wire?

Antennas are the things used to signal other players, and the wire is the cable to the antenna attached to the back top stablizer.

How does a fighter pilot poop?

Most of the time they relieve themselves before flight time. Jets have a very cramped cockpit. Although they do carry a “piddle stick” which is a bag to pee into. If they have to do the other they do it and suffer the after effects by turning up their oxygen masks and getting laughs when they land.

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Why do planes have wires to the tail?

The wire is a radio antenna to allow longer wave radio transmissions to be sent. It is in that position to give the greatest arc of coverage and also because that is one of the longest uninterrupted lines that can be used to give the longest aerial possible.

What is the wire from tail of airplane?

What types of aircraft were used in World War II?

Military aircraft in World War II included bombers, fighters, and reconnaissance airplanes, as well as a limited number of cargo transports, gliders, blimps, and even jets.

How did German planes fly so fast in WW2?

These new aircraft achieved very high speeds using the jet engine, a new type of engine that had no propellers. The Germans, and, to a lesser extent, the Americans even developed pilotless, guided missiles during the war, such as Germany’s V1 and V2 weapons.

How did aircraft affect WW1?

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Over the course of the war, many important battles took place on land and at sea, but it is significant that many of the closing events of the war also depended on aircraft. Once the Allies began retaking territory in Europe, heavy bombers began to attack within Germany.

What kind of bombers did the Japanese use in WW2?

Japanese carriers embarked two kinds of bombers. First, they had dive bombers, which they designated kanjo bakugekki-ki (carrier bombers.) Diving steeply, they dropped their bombs at close range for accuracy.