
Why do forums close threads?

Why do forums close threads?

Typically I close threads because the questions do not pertain to the subject the forum is made to discuss. Such as social matters on a UI designers forum. Though most of the time it is because the thread is replicated.

What is the difference between a forum and a thread?

A forum is equivalent to a folder which contains a collection of one or more discussion topics. You post to discussion topics and each post within the topic is called a thread.

Why do forums lock old threads?

Locking a thread automatically after a few months helps prevent new users to the site from making this mistake, and wondering why no one ever replied to them. It also enables certain performance optimizations by ensuring the thread won’t change.

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Why do people type bump in forums?

In simple terms, it’s used when there has been no reply to a post and as such the message has disappeared from the thread onto another page. The user replies to the post with ‘bump’ to get it back to the top. It is known to stand for ‘bring up my post’ and alternatives are ‘refresh’ and ‘^’.

What happened to Topix forums?

The Topix local news and forums were shut down on December 20, 2018. Topix launched new entertainment-focused slideshow and quiz-based sites named Stars and Offbeat in 2015, and has continued to launch additional new sites since. Topix was in the top 100 largest US-based websites according to Quantcast.

What is a thread in forum?

A forum thread is a conversation. The question (or discussion statement) begins the conversation, and the replies to the thread starters are the responses.

Do forums still exist?

Forums are not dead, but they are suffering from an identity crisis right now. There was a time when forums were where all the activity happened on the web. If you wanted real time discussion, you found it on forums. If you wanted social interaction, you found it on forums.

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Is it possible to close a thread by calling interrupt()?

If you simply call interrupt (), the thread will not automatically be closed. Instead, the Thread might even continue living, if isInterrupted () is implemented accordingly. The only way to guaranteedly close a thread, as asked for by OP, is

Is there a way to stop a thread from running?

If you simply call interrupt(), the thread will not automatically be closed. Instead, the Thread might even continue living, if isInterrupted() is implemented accordingly. The only way to guaranteedly close a thread, as asked for by OP, is. Thread.currentThread().stop();

Why do my Facebook discussions fall flat?

Oftentimes, though, discussions fall flat because students do not converse with each other or reciprocate in commenting on one another’s posts. Make reciprocation a part of the assignment. For example, require students not only to post, but also to reply to other students’ posts to get the conversation moving.

Why don’t students respond to online discussion forums?

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Absent some kind of intrinsic or extrinsic motivation for participating in an online discussion forum, students are unlikely to make postings or respond to others’ posts. You may find that students only participate as much as is necessary to meet course requirements, but beyond that the discussion falls flat.