
Why do Indians love movies?

Why do Indians love movies?

Indians love to watch movies because most of them believe in working hard through the weekdays and prefer enjoying during the weekends! This is the main reason for 99\% of the movies getting released on Fridays. Movies are meant to entertain the audience.

Why do Indian movies have dancing?

Dance scene makes the audiences glue to the theatres even if the movie has a bad script. It’s a formula used by the filmmakers to make a movie run for a while. Iconic steps are created by Bollywood. Dance is used to portray feelings of the character (in initial movies).

Why is Bollywood so over the top?

The overacting mainly stems from nepotism as many Indian industries have actors which are the sons or daughters of famous actors. There are very few good actors who come from big families. However, thanks to Bahubali Indian cinema is evolving and it is becoming better so lets hope for better movies.

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Why Indian songs are not popular?

The first and foremost reason behind such lacuna is the linguistic barrier as English is a standard language spoken all across the world which is mostly the medium of delivery undertaken by Western artists, whereas Indian music masterpieces are mostly delivered in Hindi or in respective regional languages.

What is diasporic cinema?

Diasporic cinema usually refers to a set of films or other media works produced by (and often in the first instance for) members of demographic groups and often their descendants who have experienced collective, sometimes forced, migration from their lands of origin to survive in face of ethno-racial, political, or …

Why are background dancers in Bollywood white?

Because almost all Bollywood movies are made by Indian men and according to them, white girls are far more exotic and hence beautiful and hot because of their fair complexion and rarity (and hence out-of-reach factor) compared to Indian girls who are comparatively dark and also way too common in India.

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Why is Bollywood so popular around the world?

Bollywood has long influenced Indian society and culture as the biggest entertainment industry; many of the country’s musical, dancing, wedding and fashion trends are Bollywood-inspired.

Why do Indian singers not get Grammys?

It is driven by American music companies. For an Indian album to win the award in the ‘world music’ category, it needs to be published in the States. We have a lot of non-film and independent music produced in India. But for it to get recognition there, it needs processing in the States.

Is Indian music famous in world?

With a global score of 58.4, India ranked 20th, above countries like New Zealand, Greece, Mexico, etc. In the world music uniqueness score, India ranked 6th, indicating that it has significantly distinct folk and traditional music.