
Why does the narcissist ignore and belittle you?

Why does the narcissist ignore and belittle you?

So, that’s the why – the narcissist ignores and belittles and devalues you because it plays on your fear of being alone. It is his hope that in enacting this silent narcissistic rage against you, he will force you into submission and into being the good little narcissistic supply he needs.

Should you ignore your narcissistic ex?

A random narcissist you’re never going to see again, sure, you can ignore the guy. No big deal. But ignoring your narcissistic ex, or a boss, or part of your extended family, it’s much easier said than done. The reason being, that a true narcissist is a master of manipulation. He (or she) knows just what to do to get a rise out of you.

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Why do narcissists cut you off?

So, by verbally and emotionally “cutting you off,” the narcissist offers you a taste of what life might be without his charming godlike awesome self (did you detect that bit of sarcasm there??). So, that’s the why – the narcissist ignores and belittles and devalues you because it plays on your fear of being alone.

How do I deal with a narcissistic narcissist?

Narcissists thrive on energy so your goal is to stop giving him the ENGAGEMENT that he craves. This means that instead of giving him drama, which fuels him, and instead of giving him the high emotion that he enjoys, you simply STOP. You stop being interesting, stop being emotionally involved, and stop finding HIM so interesting.

What happens to a narcissist when you give him the silent treatment?

Unable to feel being ignored, his inflated ego starts hitting him harder and harder. So, after giving silent treatment for a few weeks, the narcissist will likely come back to you. He may start chasing you so that he can get back his narcissistic supply like before.

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What are the signs of a Narcissistic Man?

In fact, it is not uncommon for a narcissist to demean you or abuse you in front of others and even at the back of you. Also, the narcissist may replace you with another person, just to trigger emotions of jealousy in you. As more and more days pass by, more signs will start to appear. All with the motive to grab your attention at any cost.

How do narcissists respond when you try to contact them?

They will do so in a way that would trigger a response, even if the response is not you reaching out to them directly. -Similarly, The Narc will start to reach out to or respond to those close to you, friends, family, etc. but continue to purposely ignore any attempts you made to contact them prior to s

Why don’t narcissists ever apologize?

Another important thing about them is that they don’t take rejection or criticism well and it actually causes them to counterattack with rage. They are not the one who will apologize because even admitting that they were wrong is too hard for them. Has a narcissist seduced you, and now you want to end things by ignoring him?

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How do narcissists react when they don’t get your attention?

Narcissists require constant validation, admiration, and even in some cases, blind obedience. So, when they don’t get your attention, they react negatively. Such negative ways of reacting include petulance, rage, and insults and they might try to undermine you in every way they can.

How to deal with a narcissistic supply?

Ignoring him must be something you’ll do indefinitely until he finally finds a new source, a new victim. While you do that, make sure to work on the healing process that you must go through after being involved with such a person. Narcissistic supply is the air the narcissist breathes so you must be prepared for his angry reactions.