
Why is Apple so trusted?

Why is Apple so trusted?

Apple users increasingly say Apple understands their needs and expectations and consistently meets them. This is ensured by Apple’s stated commitment to make technology that is easy to use, seamlessly integrated, and private and secure. As a result, Apple’s empathy, competence, and integrity drive trust in the brand.

Can we trust Apple?

You shouldn’t trust any company — Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft included — with your private data. Instead, you should take control of it yourself, because that’s the only way to be sure it doesn’t fall into unauthorized hands.

Why do people think Apple is superior?

Apple products are always superior. Because there is no competition. There are no other computers running macOS out of the box other than Macs. And there are no other portable devices running iOS other than Apple devices.

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Is Apple or Google more trustworthy?

Google considered more trustworthy than Apple to encrypt data. Globally speaking, Google (37.2\%) was some distance ahead of Apple (31.7\%) for data encryption trust.

Do customers trust Google?

65.7\% of US residents say Google is trustworthy followed by Amazon at 65.1\%, Microsoft at 64.9\% and Apple at 63.6\% and Samsung at 62.3\%. 1 in 5 Americans will always trust Google results.

Who created Apple?

Steve Jobs
Steve WozniakRonald Wayne

In 1976, when the Hewlett-Packard Company, where Wozniak was an engineering intern, expressed no interest in his design, Wozniak, then 26 years old, together with a former high-school classmate, 21-year-old Steve Jobs, moved production operations to the Jobs family garage. Jobs and Wozniak named their company Apple.

Why is Google better than Apple?

Google may have the most flexible development platform, but Apple’s better hardware made iPhones faster, more reliable, less prone to errors, easier to update and much more. And this is where Pixel comes into play. The phone is an attempt for Google to level the field.

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Why is Apple so successful?

1. People trust Apple. When people trust your brand, they will continue to support it. Apple has extremely loyal customers. Even when people venture off to try other things, they eventually come right back to Apple, their first love.

Why are Apple products so expensive?

It’s pricing. Apple pricing is all about aspiration. Higher priced items are not attainable for everyone and that is what makes people desire Apple. Having an Apple brand product is a luxury. A luxury not many people can afford, but one that many people will sacrifice to get a piece of.

What makes Apple a good brand?

If there’s one thing that Apple is good at, it’s having a consistent brand. Of course they evolve, but the changes they make don’t disrupt the look and feel of their overall brand message. You could be watching a TV advert and even before the branding has popped up, you’ll know that it’s Apple – and that’s the sign of a good brand.

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Is Apple a luxury brand?

Having an Apple brand product is a luxury. A luxury not many people can afford, but one that many people will sacrifice to get a piece of. There is incomparable value in an Apple product and people will always pay for what they consider to be of great value.