
Why is Burnham blamed for the Klingon war?

Why is Burnham blamed for the Klingon war?

Star Trek: Why Michael Burnham Is (Unjustly) Blamed for Starting the Federation-Klingon War. Burnham started out on that arc, then took a hard right turn when held accountable for starting the Klingon-Federation War. She was convicted of mutiny after a go-for-broke gamble blew up in her face.

What did Michael Burnham do?

Just prior to the Battle of the Binary Stars, Burnham was charged with mutiny after incapacitating Captain Georgiou and taking command of the Shenzhou, preparing to attack the Klingons by firing on them first.

Why do they blame Michael Burnham?

From the perspective of the humans involved, it appears to be Burnham’s fault. They don’t know, can’t know that the Klingons would have attacked anyway and were hoping to start a war. In fact, her mutinous actions might have actually averted the war if the Klingon ship had been destroyed.

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Why is her name Michael Burnham?

Series creator Bryan Fuller deliberately gave Martin-Green’s character a traditionally male name, which he had done with the female leads (George, Jaye and Chuck) in three of his previous series. Martin-Green decided that the character was named after her father.

What happened between Burnham and Spock?

The details of Burnham’s schism were revealed in Discovery, Season 2, Episode 8, “If Memory Serves.” The Talosians extract the memory from her in return for healing Spock from his madness. Spock tried to stop her, claiming later that she helped him better accept his human side, and told her he loves her.

What happened to Michael Burnham?

Burnham is fully reinstated as a Commander in Starfleet, her record is expunged, she is pardoned by the Federation President, and she becomes the Chief Science Officer for the Discovery.

Is there a Vulcan language?

The Vulcan language is a fictional language in the Star Trek universe. From the time of the beginning, Star Trek fans have been inspired to create their own Vulcan language, especially since few Vulcan words or names were ever spoken in the original series.

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What is a Klingon knife called?

Long knife It is unknown why mek’leths weren’t used as suggested in the scripts. Non-canon sources are calling it a tajtiq. In Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, Okrand explains the word tajtIq as “a knife with a particularly long blade that is used almost as though it were a sword”.

Does Spock mention a sister?

In previous iterations of Star Trek, Spock had never mentioned a sister. Executive producer Alex Kurtzman has explained that the specifics of Burnham’s backstory would be revealed in a way that would not break the existing canon continuity.

Why is Michael Burnham named Michael?

“When we all sat down, of course, the idea was going to be that she was going to have a male name, or typically male name.” So what made it Michael? Harberts said he pitched the name after thinking of female columnist Michael Sneed, who writes for the Chicago Sun-Times, and The Bangles’ bassist Michael Steele.

How does Burnham start the war in Star Trek?

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So Burnham sorta starts the war by killing the Klingon Torchbearer BUT she does it in self defense. She mutinies and tries to fire first at the Klingon BUT she was stopped by her Captain (and we never know if that would have been the right call).

How did the Klingons attack the Burnham House?

Just as the family was sitting down to dinner, Burnham saw a light through a telescope – a light that turned out to be the Klingons attacking the outpost. Mike Burnham attempted to barricade the kitchen door, while Gabrielle hid Michael in a cabinet.

Why was Burnham not made a captain?

Unlike previous Star Trek leads, Burnham was not made a starship captain, “to see a character from a different perspective on the starship—one who has different dynamic relationships with a captain, with subordinates, it gave us richer context”.

What happened to Burnham after the war?

For her role in ending the war, Burnham was pardoned and her rank restored; in addition, she was awarded the Starfleet Medal of Honor. ( DIS: ” Will You Take My Hand?