
Why is graphite an exception in non-metal?

Why is graphite an exception in non-metal?

Diamond and graphite Carbon is a solid non-metal element. Diamond is the hardest natural substance on Earth, but it is also very brittle and will shatter if hit with a hammer. Graphite is unusual because it is a non-metal that conducts electricity.

What properties does graphite have that are unusual for a non-metal?

It is unique in that it has properties of both a metal and a non-metal: it is flexible but not elastic, has a high thermal and electrical conductivity, and is highly refractory and chemically inert. Graphite has a low adsorption of X-rays and neutrons making it a particularly useful material in nuclear applications.

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What metallic property is shown by the non-metal graphite?

Textbook solution Graphite is a allotrope of carbon. Graphite is a non-metals and does not show metallic properties. However, it shows electrical conduction due to its high melting point in the same way as the metals.

Why is graphite an exception?

Due to its electrical conductivity nature , graphite a form of carbon which is a non metallic element is considered as so exceptional. The non bonded valence electron in graphite can move through the layers to carry the charge. Originally Answered: How do metals react with non-metals?

Why graphite being a non-metal is a good conductor of electricity?

In the question we have that graphite is the only non-metal which can conduct electricity. In graphite each carbon is bonded to three other carbon atoms hence leaving behind a free electron. Due to the presence of this one delocalised electron, graphite is a good conductor of electricity.

What are the properties of graphite?

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Properties of Graphite

  • A greyish black, opaque substance.
  • Lighter than diamond, smooth and slippery to touch.
  • A good conductor of electricity( Due to the presence of free electrons) and good conductor of heat.
  • A crystalline solid.
  • Very soapy to touch.
  • Non-inflammable.
  • Soft due to weak Vander wall forces.

What property does graphite have in common with most metals?

Graphite has delocalised electrons, just like metals. These electrons are free to move between the layers in graphite, so graphite can conduct electricity. This makes graphite useful for electrodes in batteries and for electrolysis.

Why does graphite display softness and lubricating property?

Unlike diamond, graphite can be used as a lubricant or in pencils because the layers cleave readily. It is soft and slippery, and its hardness is less than one on the Mohs scale. The planar structure of graphite allows electrons to move easily within the planes.

Why does graphite conduct heat in a similar way to metals?

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Graphite has delocalised electrons, just like metals. These electrons are free to move between the layers in graphite, so graphite can conduct electricity.

Which of the following non-metal in the form of graphite is a good conductor of electricity?

The correct answer is Option 3, i.e Graphite. Graphite is an allotrope of carbon and a non-metal which is a good conductor of electricity.

Why graphite is less dense than diamond?

Graphite has a lower density than diamond. This is because of the relatively large amount of space that is “wasted” between the sheets. Attractions between solvent molecules and carbon atoms will never be strong enough to overcome the strong covalent bonds in graphite.