
Why is Nithyananda not being arrested?

Why is Nithyananda not being arrested?

Karnataka Police on Monday told Karnataka High Court that they failed to serve him notice because he is on a spiritual tour. Nithyananda, accused of rape and child abuse, has been absconding since November 2018 and is rumoured to be hiding in Belize or Ecuador. However, Karnataka police think he is on a spiritual tour.

Will Nithyananda be arrested?

Self-styled godman Nityananda. Bengaluru: A local court in Ramnagar has issued a non-bailable warrant against godman Nithyananda Swami in relation to rape allegations against him. The self-proclaimed spiritual guru is said to have fled abroad. Nithyananda was arrested twice and granted bail by higher courts.

Why did Nithyananda leave India?

The Karnataka High Court on Thursday questioned the state government how self-styled godman Nithyananda alias Rajashekharan (44) was allowed to leave the country when he is an accused in a rape case in which a trial is on.

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Is Kailasa a legal country?

Despite its virtual moorings, Kailaasa does offer a passport and citizenship. The citizenship of Kailaasa is up for grabs for “all practising Hindus and Hindus who would like to deepen their practise.” This charitably includes “anyone who aspires to practise Hinduism.”

Where is Nithyananda currently?

Accused of sexual assault, Nithyananda has been hiding on the island off the coast of Ecuador since 2019. While proclaiming the island ‘Kailasa’, Nithyananda described it as a “Hindu sovereign nation”.

Is Kailasa passport valid?

Nithyananda, who founded a Hindu religious group called ‘Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam’, has regularly courted controversy. He has been accused of rape and also of kidnapping and confining children in his ashram illegally.

How do I become a Kailasa citizen?

To avail citizenship of Kailasa, one only has to be a “practising Hindu” or a “Hindu who would like to deepen their practice”. According to the website, Kailasa offers a “safe haven to all the world’s practising, aspiring or persecuted Hindus…

Where did Nithyananda buy the island?

According to some reports, Nithyananda has bought the island from Ecuador in central Latin America and has declared it an independent, new nation. It is described as “a nation without borders created by dispossessed Hindus around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries”.

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Is Nithyananda Kailasa real?

Kailaasa island nation In his announcement he said, “Kailaasa is a nation without borders created by dispossessed Hindus around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries”. Nithyananda claims that Kailasa is the world’s only sovereign Hindu nation.

What is wrong with Nithyananda?

Nithyananda has been booked for child abuse and kidnapping by the Gujarat police after three minor children (a boy and two girls) were rescued from his ashram in the outskirts of Ahmedabad. This is the second case filed against him, in addition to the rape case that was filed against him in 2010.

Is nithyananda Kailasa real?

Where is nithyananda new country?

Nithyananda has set up the ‘Republic of Kailaasa’ on an island off Ecuador in South America, declaring it the ‘world’s greatest and purest Hindu nation’.

What is the case against Nithyananda?

A case under Sections 295 A (insulting religious belief), 420 (cheating), 376 (rape), 377 (unnatural sex), 506 (i) (criminal Intimidation) and 120 B (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC was registered against Nithyananda in 2010 by Ramanagara police, after the case was transferred to them.

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Is Nithyananda Reddy a real estate investor?

Sources told TNM that Reddy runs a real estate business in Florida, United States. The next date of hearing has been fixed on June 14. Till date, Nithyananda has been arrested twice and got bail from higher courts and successfully delayed the start and proceedings of trial.

Will Nithyananda face the same fate as Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh and Asaram Bapu?

Nithyananda is accused of raping his disciple for close to five years during her stay in the ashram. The law seems to be finally catching up with self-styled godman Nithyananda, who is likely to face the same fate as that of godmen Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh and Asaram Bapu, who are languishing in jail on charges of rape and sexual assault.
