
Why is the Galaxy a disc and not a sphere?

Why is the Galaxy a disc and not a sphere?

Galaxies are disc shaped because they are gas rich and dynamically young. Stars are also gas rich but they are dynamically old so they have had time to rid themselves of their discs.

Are black holes discs or spheres?

A black hole is a sphere in the sense that everything that goes within its Schwarzschild radius (the distance from the center of the black hole to the event horizon) cannot escape its gravity. Thus, there is a dark sphere around the infinitely dense center, or singularity, from which nothing can escape.

Why the Earth shape is geoid?

The ellipsoid is created by rotating an ellipse around its shorter axis. This matches the real Earth’s shape, because the earth is slightly flattened at the poles and bulges at the equator. If the geoid really existed, the surface of the Earth would be equal to a level in between the high-tide and low-tide marks.

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Is the Earth a perfect sphere?

Even though our planet is a sphere, it is not a perfect sphere. Because of the force caused when Earth rotates, the North and South Poles are slightly flat. Earth’s rotation, wobbly motion and other forces are making the planet change shape very slowly, but it is still round.

What is underneath a black hole?

The size of an event horizon of a black hole depends on the gravity, so really the event horizon is a sphere surrounding the black hole. They sometimes don’t get that black holes are spheres, and there is no underneath.

Do spherical galaxies rotate?

In most cases, spiral galaxies spin with their arms trailing the direction of rotation. This is what we expect from our models. But there have been some recent observations that suggest not all galaxies rotate with their arms trailing.

Is spherical a galaxy?

There are spherical (or at least nearly spherical) galaxies! They fall into two basic categories – those elliptical galaxies that are pseudo-spherical in shape and the much smaller, so-called “dwarf spheroidal galaxies” that are found associated with our own Galaxy and other large galaxies in the “Local Group”.

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Is the Earth a sphere or a geoid?

There are many reasons why the geoid isn’t a sphere. First and foremost, the Earth itself isn’t a sphere. It is closer to an ellipsoid, being flattened at the poles by the centrifugal force of its own rotation. That mass distribution affects the gravitational field and makes the geoid asymmetrical too.

Why the shape of the Earth is like an orange?

The Earth is approximately spherical, but there is a slight flattening towards the poles. This is a consequence of the rotation when the planet was forming during the early history of the solar system. This would make it an oblate spheroid: flattened like an orange.

Why do most galaxies have a disc shape?

Gas clouds produce stars, and so most stars will also be in the plane of the disc. Very old clusters of stars in globular clusters however can be found in a spherical pattern around the disc. So galaxies form disc shapes because the gas that makes stars falls into a disc shape. However, not all galaxies are discs.

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Are all galaxies spherical in shape?

This whole question is a mistaken premise. There are spherical (or at least nearly spherical) galaxies!

How do we know that the Earth is spherical in shape?

By then, the ancient Greeks had already figured out that the Earth is round, and had even calculated the size of the Earth as well as its distance from the sun and moon. However, the fact that the Earth orbits the sun allows us to conclude in several ways that the Earth must be spherical. For instance, the sun rises and sets.

Does the Bible teach that the Earth is a flat disc?

The first line of Isaiah 40:22 reads, “It is he [i.e. God] who sits above the circle of the earth.” Some have argued from this that Scripture teaches the earth to be a flat disc, rather than a globe.