
Will a tattoo artist be offended if I ask them to recreate a tattoo which I saw online?

Will a tattoo artist be offended if I ask them to recreate a tattoo which I saw online?

This is copyright infringement because some tattoo artist has to take a character or design made by someone else, and then draw it on your skin.

Is it rude to ask for a different tattoo artist?

Most tattoo artists are in fact artists. Also, remember that good artists won’t copy another artist’s design so don’t ask. Don’t send them a picture of another artist’s work and say “I want this tattoo”.

Do tattoo artists have the right to refuse service?

Although tattoo artists work with customers on a daily basis, they have the authority to refuse anyone for any reason. In most cases, artists are happy to accommodate but there are a select few tattoo requests that are likely to lead to a rejection.

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What is brutal black tattoo?

In contrast to the en vogue styles, the Brutal Black Project tattoos are all black, very big, and usually involve the face. Another fun fact, the people receiving these tattoos often need to be physically restrained, because the pain is so intense. If the pain becomes too intense, they will let you opt out and leave.

Who should own the legal rights to the tattoo the tattoo artist or the client?

Most people think, and at least one court has determined, that the body can be considered a fixed medium. Therefore, tattoos are subject to copyright protection. And since the person who creates the tattoo and puts it on somebody’s body is generally the tattoo artist, that artist, by default, owns the copyright.

What will tattoo artists not do?

Tattoo artists hate when clients don’t trust the process, schedule something immediately after their appointment, or go to the beach right away. Showing up intoxicated or not listening to your artist’s suggestions will make the tattooing process unpleasant.

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Can your skin reject tattoo ink?

It is possible for skin to reject ink but it is very uncommon. Most people notice the fading with red or white ink, although any color may fade. The healing process (scabbing) can push the ink up out of the skin and cause a splotchy look. Remember that new tattoos need to be kept cleaned and moisturized.

Does color ink hurt more?

Generally speaking, ink color doesn’t determine the amount of pain you’ll feel. The color simply doesn’t have to do anything with the pain of the tattoo. Also, if the tattoo artist uses a dull needle, chances are the process will hurt more. Sharp, new needles tend to hurt less.

How long is my tattoo an open wound?

Your tattoo is healed, typically within three to six weeks, when the scabs and rough skin naturally peel or flake off and the new skin feels smooth again.

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Is it OK to show a tattoo artist another tattoo?

The biggest issue you need to contend with in using another artist’s work is copyright law. Artists who create their own work, even if they publish it online, own the rights to those images, so you could be violating copyright law in taking that design to use for your tattoo.
