
Are black holes perfect black bodies?

Are black holes perfect black bodies?

It is concluded that a black hole can be regarded as an ideal general black body system exactly for the changing process only. However, a stationary global black hole cannot be smoothly regarded as a general black body system.

Is a black hole perfectly round?

The topology of the event horizon of a black hole at equilibrium is always spherical. For non-rotating (static) black holes the geometry of the event horizon is precisely spherical, while for rotating black holes the event horizon is oblate.

What is the true shape of a black hole?

Nothing can escape the event horizon. This means that the black hole is spherical. The Schwarzschild solution to Einstein’s field equations assumes that the black hole is not spinning. If it is it will be a slightly flattened sphere in shape.

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Is a black hole a solid object?

When astronomers speak about them, they often make an unintentional impression that they are some kind solid objects. They are not. A black hole is a spacetime singularity that is enclosed by an event horizon. Both things are quite weird, but none of them is anything solid.

What is a GREY body?

Definition of gray body : a body that emits radiant energy and has the same relative spectral energy distribution as a blackbody at the same temperature but in smaller amount.

Are there any perfect spheres?

A perfect sphere is defined as being completely symmetrical around its center, with all points on the surface lying the same distance from the center point. Also, the sun is considered to be the most perfect sphere ever observed in nature. It is the most perfectly round natural object in the entire universe.

What is an opaque body?

An opaque body is one that transmits none of the radiation that reaches it, although some may be reflected. That is, τ = 0 and α + ρ = 1. A transparent body is one that transmits all the radiation that reaches it.

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What is black body example?

A cavity with a hole in it is a good example of black body. When light is incident on the cavity, the light enters through the hole, but no light is reflected back from the cavity.

Is a black hole a perfect black body?

Yes, the event horizon of a black hole absorbs all incident radiation, therefore it fulfils the definition of a perfect black body. And it does radiate thermal radiation (the Hawking radiation).

Is it true that black holes emit radiation?

Yes, black holes are supposedly near-perfect black bodies. They emit thermal radiation called Hawking Radiation, which, however, does not originate from beyond the event horizon, but is a consequence of the interaction of the strong gravitational field outside the horizon with the vacuum.

Why is a hole in the ground black?

Any light incident upon the hole goes into the cavity and is essentially never reflected out since it would have to undergo a very large number of reflections off walls of the cavity. If we make the walls absorptive (perhaps by painting them black), the cavity makes a perfect black body.

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What does a Black Hole absorb?

A black hole is known to absorb all sorts of every (light, radiation..). If it absorbs -all- energy around it, it should in addition emit all energy it has absorbed. But due to its vast gravity noting can “escape”, and therefore nothing is actually emitted. Is a black hole still considered a perfect black body?