
Are dinosaurs bigger than elephants?

Are dinosaurs bigger than elephants?

Many of the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era (about 252 million to 66 million years ago) were longer and more massive than modern elephants, hippopotamuses, and rhinoceroses. The largest dinosaurs of the era were the sauropods, a collection of four-legged herbivorous species that possessed long necks and tails.

Is a triceratops heavier than an elephant?

The estimated weight of a Triceratops is around 27,000 lbs, while an African Bush Elephant averages around 13,000 lbs. While the elephant’s trunk is a formidable weapon, as well as its charge, the Triceratops evolved to hold it’s own against animals it’s own size and bigger.

Are elephants related to dinosaurs?

A fossil find from Poland shows that dinosaurs were not the only big creatures on Earth around 200 million years ago. Dinosaurs living more than 200 million years ago had some serious competition from an ancestor of modern mammals the size of an elephant.

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What animal can kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

A rhino, a hippo, or an elephant can all probably move faster than a T. rex when charging, and have either a powerful bite of their own (hippos) or horns or tusks that could fatally gore a large animal.

What is the biggest animal ever to walk the earth?

Far bigger than any dinosaur, the blue whale is the largest known animal to have ever lived. An adult blue whale can grow to a massive 30m long and weigh more than 180,000kg – that’s about the same as 40 elephants, 30 Tyrannosaurus Rex or 2,670 average-sized men.

What was the biggest dinosaur?


Who would win T rex or Triceratops?

The plant-eating dinosaurs of the late Cretaceous period weren’t the smartest bunch. As a general rule, carnivores tend to have more advanced brains than herbivores, meaning Triceratops would have been far outclassed by T. Rex in the IQ department.

Are hippos and elephants related?

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Thanks to genetic studies, elephants, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses are classified as separate clades altogether. Rhinos, hippos, pigs, peccaries, horses, zebras, donkeys and tapirs are classified in clade Laurasiatheria, while elephants, hyraxes, manatees and dugongs are classified in clade Afrotheria.

What are the adaptations of an elephant body?

The elephant’s body has a number of special features because it is so large and heavy. The skull, parts of which are six inches thick, contains many air spaces making the inside appear something like a honeycomb or sponge. This adaptation has allowed the skull to grow to a large size without enormous weight.

What is the stress on an elephant’s leg?

The stress on the elephant’s leg is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the leg (force/area). The force in this case is the elephant’s weight. So consider what would happen if you doubled an elephant’s size – its height, width, every direction would double in size.

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Why do elephants have thicker limb bones?

And that’s precisely what Mother Nature has done in the limb bones of elephants. An elephant’s bones are much wider, giving them a thicker cross-sectional area, making them more resistant to the type of stresses that can break the bones.

How much can an Asian elephant lift with its trunk?

The Asian elephant has only one finger at the end of its trunk and usually only uses its trunk to scoop things up. Elephants can lift very heavy weights with its trunk, but it is important to remember that each elephant is individual and unique and the amount of weight each can lift varies.