
Are German cars still unreliable?

Are German cars still unreliable?

A common misconception that German cars are unreliable, but in the US and Canada a lot of german vehicles are produced by subcontractors over there hence why the same level of quality control is applied. Plenty of German cars in europe are among the most reliable.

Why are Japanese cars more reliable than German cars considering German engineering is supposed to be the best?

Japanese cars are well-known for their reliability. This is mainly because of the technique to make the car parts perfect before releasing them. German cars have their own version, but Japanese cars win due to their reliability factor.

Why cant German cars be reliable?

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Their reluctance to work on high-end German automobiles often is attributed to their intricate engineering, exotic engine designs and extremely complex electrical systems.

Are German cars really reliable?

German cars are amongst the least reliable, and Japanese cars amongst the most dependable, according to an industry survey. German manufacturers took four of the bottom six places in a reliability table based on the experiences of 50,000 UK car owners.

Why are German cars so unreliable?

American new car owners seem to see German cars as unreliable only because they don’t tolerate lack of maintenance as well as Japanese cars. Japanese cars don’t require maintenance, American cars are cheap to maintain, but German cars are expensive to maintain, as they require specialized training and imported spare parts.

How reliable are Mercedes and other German cars?

The same can be said for Mercedes’ German competitors, Audi and BMW. In Consumer Reports last five annual reports, the last time these German brands have been above average in reliability was back in 2007. Since then, they’ve all slumped below the average in the industry.

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What are some of the myths about German engineering?

The Myth of “German Engineering” 1 A REPUTATION EARNED. Part of the reason for the misconception about German engineering is that German automakers did, at one time, earn it. 2 A REPUTATION LOST. 3 POOR RANKING NOT JUST ABOUT QUALITY. 4 SACRIFICE FOR PERFORMANCE. 5 GERMAN CARS STILL APEAL-ING.

Does “German engineering” mean good reliability?

Likely you’ve heard the phrase “German engineering” more than a few times in your life and there’s a popular misconception that it equals good reliability.