
Are Star Wars fans called Trekkies?

Are Star Wars fans called Trekkies?

If you mean do they have nicknames like Trekkies (demeaning moniker, BTW), the answer is no. They are simply called Star Wars Fans, or by the catchall term for SF fandom, Geeks.

What is the difference between Trekkies and Trekkers?

In the documentary Trekkies, Kate Mulgrew stated that Trekkers are the ones “walking with us” while the Trekkies are the ones content to simply sit and watch Star Trek.

Are Star Wars fans smarter?

Cognitive scientists did an online study in July of 2020 which came to the unarguable conclusion that not only were IQ’s higher from Star Wars fans but simple cognitive tasks (like tying one’s shoes or using a spork) were completed faster and more correctly.

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What is the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars?

The difference between Star Trek and Star Wars is that Star Trek is science fiction while Star Wars is a science fantasy. Star Trek focuses on technology and its possibilities. But Star Wars is centered on a magical force that is too distant from reality. Star Trek: The Original Series has three seasons.

Why is Star Trek better than Star Wars?

Star Trek has simply been more consistent than Star Wars, and at times can be even more impressive, while still working best as a TV show. The characters have more depth than anyone in the Star Wars universe, and the franchise is willing to step outside the 60 year period all Star Wars adventures are trapped in.

Whats a Star Wars fan called?

​ ​It’s an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan! But what do these faithful followers call themselves? From “Trekkers” ​and “Ringers” to “Trubies” and “Potterheads,” almost every fan​ community has a funny or clever nickname.

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What do Trekkies do?

A Trekkie is sometimes viewed as a fan who devotes their entire interest time to Star Trek and does little else. A trekker is viewed by some as a very keen fan of Star Trek who manages to balance other interests in their life as well. The creator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, referred to fans as trekkies.

Do Trekkies still exist?

There are new Trekkies, but sadly the number of them is lower and lower each year. Mainly because there hasn’t been a good Trek series or movie since Enterprise (and even then it only lasted 4 seasons).

Who is the smartest Jedi?

4 OBI-WAN KENOBI Graceful, full of wisdom, one of the most revered and powerful Jedi of his time and beyond, Obi-Wan Kenobi has all the qualities of a fantastic Jedi. One of these qualities is undoubtedly intelligence which he shows throughout his appearances in the Galaxy far, far away.

Who is the smartest person in Star Wars?

The 10 Smartest Characters From Star Wars Comics

  1. 1 Grand Admiral Thrawn, the ultimate strategist.
  2. 2 Marchion Ro is the bane of the high republic.
  3. 3 The most resourceful bounty hunter in the galaxy, Boba Fett.
  4. 4 Morrigan Corde’s duplicity allowed her to establish many ties.
  5. 5 Darth Wyyrlok III, keeper of sith lore.
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Why are Star Wars and Star Trek similar?

Star Wars and Star Trek are both science based and involve space travel and aliens. The Star Trek television series was originally produced in 1966, and it influenced the 1977 beginning of the popular Star Wars films. Without these conflicts, the Star Wars movies would essentially have no plot.