
Can a Poleaxe pierce plate armor?

Can a Poleaxe pierce plate armor?

A polearm thrust could pierce a lower-quality breastplate, but against high-quality armor you’d be better off trying to push through the plates of the fauld or the various gaps protected by mail (such as the armpit).

Are halberds effective against armor?

They were very effective. They can counter your nightmare of a full-plate armored, skilled knight that will chop off your head when detects you.

Can an arrow pierce armor?

Yes, but much depends on range, arrow type, and the quality of the plate armor. The heavy English longbows, throwing heavy arrows made of ash and equipped with “pile” arrowheads were known to pierce plate.

Can a katana pierce plate armor?

A katana would have a slightly disadvantage compared to a pointy European blade when it comes to plate armor. The broader tip and body of the blade makes it a bit harder to get through the tiniest gaps and mail protection underneath the shoulders.

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What weapons were most effective against plate armor?

In the late Middle Ages, when plate armour became increasingly common, people started using weapons with better armour-piercing capabilities, like maces, warhammers and various polearms. Swords are great against lightly armoured and unarmoured targets, like peasants, archers and civilians.

How long is a polearm?

The blade was around 18 inches (46 cm) long, on the end of a pole 6 or 7 feet (180 or 210 centimetres) long. However, instead of having a tang like a sword or naginata, the blade is affixed in a socket-shaft configuration similar to an axe head, both the blade and shaft varying in length.

Was the halberd a good weapon?

It was among the best battlefield weapons until gunpowder use became vogue. And even then it hung on for a good while. Halberds were also inexpensive to produce compared to swords so could outfit armies easily. Spears were one of the earliest and most effective of weapons, developing basically in every civilization.

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Is a halberd a polearm?

A halberd (also called halbard, halbert or Swiss voulge) is a two-handed pole weapon that came to prominent use during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. Troops that used the weapon were called halberdiers.

How do you use a falx weapon?

This drastic curve rendered the falx a purely offensive weapon to be used against a broken or routing force. Typically, an enemy would be broken by a sustained hail of missile fire from javelin, dart, bow, sling, and stone throwing troops before being chased down and cut to pieces by the falx wielders.

How do you calculate the energy required to penetrate armor?

Under these many simplifications, the energy required to penetrate the armor can be estimated as T × t armor × A bullet, in which T is the toughness of the armor, t is the thickness of the armor, and A is the area of the bullet. This is essentially the energy required to rip all the armor blocking the projectile out of the way.

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What is the meaning of Falx?

” Falx ” is a Latin word originally meaning sickle but was later used to mean any of a number of tools that had a curved blade that was sharp on the inside edge such as a sickle. Falx was also used to mean a weapon – particularly that of the Thracians and Dacians – and, later, a siege hook used by the Romans.

What is the two-handed falx?

The two-handed falx is clearly related to the Thracian rhomphaia. It is a derivative of both the sword and the spear, having evolved from a spear to a polearm before becoming more dramatically curved to facilitate a superior cutting action. This drastic curve rendered the falx a purely offensive weapon to be used against a broken or routing force.