
Can Appium be used for desktop applications?

Can Appium be used for desktop applications?

Appium for desktop is an open-source GUI (Graphical User Interface) application for Linux, Mac, and Windows that gets you the power of an automation server systematically with a more workable UI.

Is it possible to interact with my apps using Javascript while I am testing with Appium?

13) Is it possible to interact with my apps using Javascript while I am testing with Appium? Yes, it is possible to interact with App while using Javascript. When the commands run on Appium, the server will send the script to your app wrapped into an anonymous function to be executed.

How different is mobile app testing from web testing?

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Web app testing aims to ensure that websites deliver a highly functional, bug-free experience across browsers and devices. On the other hand, mobile app testing aims to identify any compatibility issues or bugs for the native or hybrid mobile app across a wide range of Android and iOS devices.

Can the same testing code created for Android application work for an iOS application?

No of course not. In theory you could create a test that works on both platforms but in practice it is not that easy and it is basically because of two issues. In most cases you will not be able to find an element using the same identifier in Android and iOS.

How do I install Appium on my desktop?

To get started with Appium Desktop installation, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the official Appium site.
  2. Click on the Download Appium button.
  3. The Download button redirects the user to the GitHub page.
  4. From the GitHub page, Windows users need to download the .exe file and Mac users need to download the .dmg file.
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What are the limitations of using Appium?

Limitations of Appium:

  • Configuration and time needed to setup Appium for iOS and Android is complex.
  • Only one iOS device at a time can be run in Appium.
  • Automation support for Android 4.1 or lower is not present.
  • Appium inspector cannot be run on Windows.

Is Appium hard to learn?

Once you learn selenium, appium is very easy to learn. Believe me Once you are an expert of selenium , appium will just take a couple of hours for you to learn. 🙂 You can learn with in week , You need good resources to learn .

What is the use of Appium inspector in Appium?

Appium inspection is a standard procedure to identify the UI elements of a mobile app uniquely. It works with both real devices or simulators(iOS) or emulators(Android).