
Can God hear thoughts?

Can God hear thoughts?

God knows ALL our thought. Even before we think them! He knows everything about us, how many hairs on our head, all our thoughts, all our feelings, all our actions, all our hopes and dreams. Read Psalm 139 and many other Psalms.

Can you talk to God in your thoughts?

You can talk to God out loud or inside your mind, whichever feels most effective to you. It may be best to find a quiet or private space you can occupy in order to concentrate while you’re talking.

What does God say about your thoughts?

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-Proverbs 23:7 Dr. Leaf one more time: “When you think, you build thoughts, and these become physical substances in your brain.” You were created in the image of God, full of love and grace.

Can God hear what you say in your mind?

Yes, God hears even before we take the intention to speake. If we talk in mind or feel in our heart God knows.

Does God judge you on your thoughts?

God’s judgement goes deeper than thoughts. According to passages like 1 Corinthians 4:5, Romans 2:16 and Ecclesiastes 12:14, your soul will be judged by the secret hidden motives of your heart. Thoughts arise from motives and lead to actions, habits, character and destiny.

Can God hear you pray in your head?

Yes. God hears your thoughts as you form the words in your head.

Can God hear prayers in my head?

Can Jesus hear my thoughts?

It is obvious that Jesus, being God, can read our minds and our thoughts. Psalm 139:2 declares, “You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar” and so “would not God have discovered it, since he knows the secrets of the heart” (Psalm 44:21)? So clearly God knows our thoughts and can read our minds and know not only what we are thinking but what we are thinking about doing!

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Can the Devil read our minds?

Yes, the devil can read your mind through his array of familiar spirits or witchcraft demons. The devil doesn’t know everything thing because he’s a created and limited being. However, he monitors and reads minds through familiar spirits assigned to members of the same family. The mind is the battle ground of life and destiny.

Does Satan have access to our minds?

While we would greatly overestimate Satan’s power by supposing that he can interact directly with us in a physical sense, an equal and opposite error would be to suppose that he does not have access to our minds. First, while Satan cannot read our minds, he can influence our thoughts.

Can Satan read minds?

The short answer is no; Satan cannot read our minds. While we learn in Scripture that Satan is powerful and influential, he is not all-knowing, or omniscient. Only God has the ability to know all things. Furthermore, there are no examples in the Bible of Satan reading someone’s mind.