
Can I get a flu shot while on Flagyl?

Can I get a flu shot while on Flagyl?

Generally antibiotics will not interfere with the flu shot; however, if you are ill when you get the flu shot, you could confuse possible side effects from the shot with the underlying illness or infection.

Can I take flu shot while on antibiotics?

Usually taking antibiotics shouldn’t prevent you from getting the flu vaccine, according to Macnair. “However if you have just started the antibiotics and you are still feverish from the infection then you should postpone the vaccine,” she says.

Can I get a Covid shot while on antibiotics?

Interaction with Antibiotics and Other Drugs COVID-19 vaccines do not interfere with the vast majority of prescription and over-the-counter drugs that can be taken safely and effectively by those receiving COVID-19 vaccines.

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Do any medications interfere with the flu shot?

The effect of influenza vaccines on other medications is very small. The metabolism of phenytoin, theophylline and warfarin may be slightly affected by an influenza vaccine. Despite these effects, there are no known harmful drug interactions that occur with influenza vaccines.

Can you get vaccines while on antibiotics adults?

Can I get a vaccine while I’m on antibiotics? Yes, although you might want to wait a few days. If you’re taking antibiotics for an illness and you’re scheduled to get a vaccine, you can still get it.

What medications react with Covid vaccine?

Are there medications that could interact with the COVID-19 vaccine? Should I stop taking a medication or vitamin before getting my vaccine?

  • High dose steroids like (e.g. 20 mg/day or more of prednisone)
  • Arthritis medications like methotrexate or azathioprine.
  • Biologic immunosuppression including monoclonal antibodies.

Does the Covid vaccine interact with any medications?

At this point, we don’t know if the COVID-19 vaccine can affect your medications. However, what we do know about how it works suggests that the chance of a negative reaction between the vaccine and any medication is extremely small. Taking medication is not a reason to delay getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

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How long after antibiotics can I get a flu shot?

As soon as a child is feeling better, even if he or she is on antibiotics, the vaccine can and should be given. If you’re concerned about your child’s health and the safety of getting vaccinated, talk to your doctor or the person administering the vaccine.

Should I get vaccinated if I have already had Covid-19?

Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19 because: Research has not yet shown how long you are protected from getting COVID-19 again after you recover from COVID-19. Vaccination helps protect you even if you’ve already had COVID-19.

How long does it take to get Flagyl out of your system?

Flagyl may be cleared from your body within 48 hours, but the elimination rate varies depending on a person’s age and metabolism, among other factors. The Flagyl manufacturer recommends waiting at least one day after the last dose of Flagyl before drinking alcohol.