
Can there be two Deadpools?

Can there be two Deadpools?

If he is shredded in pieces, his pieces of the brain will start to develop themselves and regenerate until the body is whole. So it is possible that you can have more than one Deadpool.

What happens if Deadpool is cut in half?

In Deadpool Annual 2013, Deadpool is ripped apart by Luke Cage and Thor. He’s split straight down the middle, but he had been melded together with Madcap for the duration of the issue, so the two halves simply become each of them. Since there was no technical injury, the two guys come out unscathed and fully formed.

Can Deadpool survive being ripped in half?

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What would happen if Wolverine got cut in half?

If Wolverine is cut horizontally in two halves, the upper half of his body will grow, the upper half will have the Brain, Heart, Lungs, And many other important organs for the life support. Remember what happened with Deadpool, when he was ripped into two halves. His upper half had the growth of the legs.

Does Deadpool’s skin ever heal?

Deadpool is a mutant who has an accelerated healing factor. He can re-grow his parts or attach them if cut from his body.

Can Deadpool regrow limbs?

The comic version of Deadpool is: Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than that of an ordinary human. As such, he can regrow severed limbs or vital organs.

Can Deadpool be split in half in the comics?

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The truth is that this has happened in the comics, but the circumstances don’t allow us to have a definite answer. In Deadpool Annual 2013, Deadpool is ripped apart by Luke Cage and Thor. He’s split straight down the middle, but he had been melded together with Madcap for the duration of the issue, so the two halves simply become each of them.

Could Deadpool’s body heal itself by slapping his two hips together?

This leads readers to believe that the healing process might require slapping the two Deadpool halves together to even begin. Others say that the side of the body with Wade Wilson’s heart might regenerate the true Deadpool, but this seems unlikely — as Deadpool’s head and thus brain has been essential for most other healing processes.

What happened to Deadpool in Deadpool Annual 2013?

In Deadpool Annual 2013, Deadpool is ripped apart by Luke Cage and Thor. He’s split straight down the middle, but he had been melded together with Madcap for the duration of the issue, so the two halves simply become each of them. Since there was no technical injury, the two guys come out unscathed and fully formed.

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What happens to Deadpool After Dark Reign?

During the Dark Reign storyline Deadpool has a cross over with the Thunderbolts which ends with his head being cut off. Everyone is left to believe that this act would leave him dead as he would not be able to regenerate from this.
